SHEP (Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion) Approach was born through the technical cooperation project between Kenya and Japan. This approach addresses the motivation of farmers, and ensures their success in farming as a business. JICA is now promoting SHEP Approach all over Africa and in other areas.
Documents of SHEP Approach
[Basic Understanding of SHEP Approach]
- SHEP's originality
- English (PDF/273KB)
- French (PDF/198KB)
- Japanese (PDF/289KB)
- Introduction of SHEP (February 2015) (English (PDF/1.36MB))
- SHEP brochures as a JAPAN Brand ODA (September 2016)
- English (PDF/773KB)
- Japanese (PDF/868KB)
- SHEP pamphlets (March 2013)
- English (PDF/2.42MB)
- French (PDF/3.28MB)
- Japanese (PDF/3.11MB)
- SHEP's Story (February 2014)
- English (PDF/1.88MB)
- French (PDF/985KB)
- Japanese (PDF/8.32MB)
[Related documents of TICAD V]
- The prime minister Abe's speech in TICAD V (2010)
- English (PDF/107KB)
- French (PDF/114KB)
- Japanese (PDF/2.1MB)
- For Inclusive and Dynamic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa,JICA Research Institute (2014) (English (PDF/6.42MB))
[Related documents of TICAD VI]
TICADⅥ side event SHEP workshop (Aug2016)
SHEP Workshops
- First SHEP Approach Workshop (Pretoria, March 2nd, 2015)
- Programme (PDF/35KB)
- Second SHEP Approach Workshop (Johannesburg, February 22nd-23rd, 2016) and Gender Awareness Training (Polokwane, February 24th-26th, 2016)
- Programme (PDF/262KB)
- Programme (PDF/200KB)