JICA's Initiative for Global Health and Medicine

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has threatened the health and livelihoods of people across the world. The pandemic has damaged global economies, pushed millions of additional people into extreme poverty and negatively impacted future generations by disrupting their opportunities to receive education. Under our mission to realize Human Security and Quality Growth, JICA has engaged in development cooperation across 150 partner countries. Based on this experience, we have launched JICA's Initiative for Global Health and Medicine to strengthen JICA's work in protecting people's lives in July 2020.

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What is"JICA's Initiative for Global Health and Medicine"?

Strengthening Treatment System

All people have access to quality health and medical systems where they can receive safe, reliable treatment. With this in mind, JICA will

(1) Strengthen medical services by updating facilities and equipment at hospitals and medical clinics, while investing in the capacity development of medical professionals at approximately 100 core hospitals

(2) Enhance case management (diagnosis, treatment and care) to reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 cases and deaths


(3) Support intensive care units through the use of digital technologies, including telemedicine.

These measures will be conducted by working with the network of core hospitals that JICA has previously cultivated and by expanding our partnerships with development partners.

Enhancing Infection Disease Research and Alert System

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 in partner countries and prepare for future health emergencies, JICA will

(1) Update facilities and equipment at core infectious disease research institutes and invest in the capacity development of researchers and lab technicians to strengthen infectious disease research and surveillance

(2) Improve early detection and tracing capabilities by strengthening testing and diagnostics


(3) Support countries' quarantine, self-isolation and border control efforts.

These measures will be conducted by working with the network of core research institutions that JICA has previously cultivated and by expanding our partnerships with development partners.

Promoting Infectious Disease Prevention

To build societies that are resilient to infectious diseases, JICA will

(1)Promote dissemination of COVID-19 vaccines to partner countries, working through global coordinating mechanisms such as the COVAX Facility [1]

(2) Expand access to essential health services and health security systems to support countries on their pathway toward UHC


(3) Mainstream measures to prevent infectious disease spread through a cross-sectoral approach that includes sectors like water and sanitation, urban planning, education and nutrition.


Achievements of JICA's Initiative for Global Health and Medicine

Representative Activities

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