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Activities in Somalia

Mitigating Climate Change in Africa through Social Forestry

JICA supports social forestry in Somalia. Somali agricultural officers joined the Third Country Training Programme on "Mitigating Climate Change in Africa through Social Forestry" at the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) in October 2011. This was the first time that the course included participants from Somaliland, the northern autonomous state of Somalia.

The chief guest at the opening ceremony was Hon. Josephat K. Nanok, Kenya's Assistant Minister for Forestry & Wildlife. In his address, he observed that the course was taking place during the international year of forests, and that dependency on forests was exerting pressure on limited resources. He stressed the need to move beyond raising awareness to actual commitment in forest preservation.

JICA drew from its experiences in Kenya to provide assistance for Somalia. Although there are still constraints to provide assistance to Somalia, JICA will continuously seek further possibilities to support the people of Somalia.

PhotoHon. Nanok presides over the Opening Ceremony

PhotoGuests and participants during the Opening Ceremony


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