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July 23, 2019

Exchange program with Batswana primary school students.

My name is Matsushita of Shingu High School in Wakayama, Japan.

I became a science teacher here after completion of my assignment in Ethiopia as a JOCV member of science education in April 2019.

Since then, I always wish students may have opportunities to contact other schools in different parts of the world as one of advisors to English-speaking society, ESS, for my school.

A special mention and gratitude goes to my previous JICA mission chief in Ethiopia, who is currently stationed in Botswana as he kindly introduced me to Ms Eriko, a JOCV member. Ms Eriko teaches about 40 primary school pupils in class which is the average number of pupils per class in Botswana.

At the beginning of the exchange program, both students introduced their schools to each other. Japanese students were surprised to know there are only low-rise school buildings in Botswana. It is for this reason that some classes are conducted outside the classroom. In addition to that, Batswana students have goals and aspirations about their future, most of whom desire to be medical doctors and they interacted well with Japanese students.

My students also introduced the Japanese national flag, foods, and traditional summer dance. Some students were happy to know that Batswana students understood what they presented and they were proud of their traditional culture.

I am grateful Eriko for organizing this exchange program well and for her preparation.

We, Shingu High School teachers, would like to expand this kind of opportunities which makes it possible to share valuable experiences by connecting African nations where we have never communicated and at the same time we really wish all students besides ESS members can join such opportunities.



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