JICA marks its 60th anniversary of its cooperation activities with Tanzania in 2022. The activities began in 1962, just one year after the independence of Tanganyika, when a single Government Official was accepted for technical training in Japan.
Since then, the activities of JICA continued to grow over the years and now include not only technical cooperation and Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV), but also the provision of grant aid and concessionary loans.
Until August 2022, the total amount of assistance to Tanzania from JICA had recorded up to USD 1.0 billion in terms of ODA Loan, USD 1.2 billion Grant Aid, USD 0.9 billion Technical Cooperation. In the same period, JICA provided training opportunities for 22,064 Tanzanians in Japan, in third countries and within Tanzania and dispatched to the country 1, 679 Volunteers in various fields.
[Assistance To Tanzania From JICA]
ODA Loan: 115.4 Billion Japanese Yen
Training Program: 22,064 Participants, *The number includes participants of JICA Training in Japan, Third Country Training Program, and In-country Training Program
Technical Cooperation: 97.3 Billion Japanese Yen
JOCV: 1,679 Volunteers
Grant Aid: 131.5 Billion Japanese Yen
1USD=106.9JPY(Based on the past 10 years average exchange rate)
JICA is typically supporting the self-help initiatives of the Tanzanian people in their endeavors to promote their social and economic development in line with its vision of "Leading the world with trust". JICA's activities in Tanzania are also fully in line with Tokyo International Conference on African Development process, namely "TICAD process" which places value on African ownership and international partnership - a process which started in 1993.
It is significant to note that throughout the 60- year period, JICA's cooperation to Tanzania has been in line with the country's development plans and priorities.
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On February 9 and 10, 2023, JICA in collaboration with the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), will organize an unprecedented event that will see professors and experts from Tanzania and Japan exchanging their knowledge and experiences on the field of innovation through discussions and lectures.
To commemorate the 60th Anniversary of both establishment of UDSM and JICA's cooperation in Tanzania, the event is called the "Japan-Tanzania Innovation Forum" and under the JICA PROGRAM FOR JAPANESE STUDIES AT UDSM on the theme ‘Innovation for National Growth and Sustainable Development',