- トップページ
- 日本国内での取り組み
- JICA筑波
- 「人」明日へのストーリー
- 【JICA筑波で働く人たち】フロントデスク 小倉健主任(東京ビジネスサービス)
JICA筑波 フロント主任
小倉 健
自己紹介( About myself)
I am Ken Ogura, a front desk staff at JICA Tsukuba.
For smooth communication and for your comfortable stay in here, I work on improving my English skills.
For a better understanding of you and your country, I would love to know how to greet in your local language. While you are here in JICA Tsukuba, please tell us about your own language, culture and greetings.
業務の紹介 (My job at JICA Tsukuba)
We offer total living support while you are in JICA Tsukuba.
今の業務をやっていてよかったこと、うれしいこと (What makes you feel grateful or happy when you are doing your job?)
JICA participants are coming from various countries. While working in this center, it is good opportunity and happy for me to communicate with those JICA participants, and learn different cultures from them.
I’m also happy if JICA participants also learn about Japanese culture while staying in Japan.
I feel so sad when participants go back to their countries, but I always wish JICA participants all the best for their success after returning!
心がけていること (What are things you keep in your mind?)
When I stayed overseas, I also had difficult time to adjust to different culture, and I could not communicate in local languages.
Based on my experience, I try to understand and imagine how JICA participants are felt, and help them in best ways.
Lastly, I also try my best to remember their name and face in the shortest time.
一言メッセージ(Message to everyone.)
Hello everyone in the world.
We, all front desk staff, are looking forward to seeing you.
When you are here in JICA Tsukuba, let us know about you and your country.