jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構 jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構

【JICA筑波で働く人たち】JICA筑波レストラン 佐藤新主任(東京ビジネスサービス)

【写真】佐藤 新さん

JICA筑波レストラン 食堂責任者
佐藤 新さん

自己紹介( About myself)


Hello, I am Shin Sato, a chef of JICA Tsukuba Restaurant.
I have been working as a cook for 24 years. I love cooking.
I started cooking ethnic food in 2004 when I was assigned to JICA Training Center for International Cooperation (at that time) in Ichigaya.
In 2011, I became a chef of JICA Tsukuba Restaurant. Not only license for dietitian, but also I got a license for Halal Manager.

業務の紹介 (What do you do at JICA Tsukuba cafeteria?)


Around 800 JICA participants come to JICA Tsukuba a year. I prepare three meals every day and more than 100 thousand meals a year for JICA participants to maintain their good health.
Not only daily meals for JICA participants, but also gathering occasion and public events at JICA Tsukuba, I prepare ethnic dishes.
Thankfully, I gathered more than 300 ethnic recipes so far.


一番の得意料理、これから挑戦してみたい料理は何ですか? (What makes you feel grateful or happy when you are doing your job?)


I am good at egg dishes especially for Chinese Crab omelet on rice (we call TENSHINHAN in Japanese).
I would like to try to make vegetarian food so that everyone can eat regardless of religious restriction.

海外の料理を作るときに難しい点は何ですか? (Is there anything difficult about cooking oversea meals?)



I am facing some difficulty in purchasing popular foodstuff in their local market such as ethnic spices and beef that are expensive in Japan.

今の業務をやっていてよかったこと、うれしいこと(What made you happy during work?)


I feel so happy with the words “delicious’’ and with the smile “thank you’’.
Sometimes JICA participant invites me to the common-use kitchen and share me their local dishes. This makes me very happy.

業務をするうえで心がけていること(What do you keep in mind during work?)


I think JICA participants are coming to Japan with anxiety, so I am trying to create JICA restaurant feel at home. I am also trying to say “Thank you” not just in English but also with in their local language.


一言メッセージ(Message to everyone.)


Thank you for always eating a lot. When you come to Japan again, please come to JICA Tsukuba. We are waiting for you with delicious dishes.