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日本財団日系スカラーシップ留学生によるブラジル・リベルダーデ展示 開催中!


現在、JICA横浜2F 海外移住資料館前で日本財団日系スカラーシップ留学生によるブラジル・リベルダーデ地区の展示を行っています。日本財団のNippon Social Innovators Collaboration (NSIC)のプロジェクトとして採択され、企画がスタートしました。多くの海外移住者の出港の地である横浜。そして、海外移住資料館があるJICA横浜で展示をしたいと希望があり、実現しました。


12月2日(土)には、オープニングセレモニーが行われ、このプロジェクトの代表者Augusto Cesar Oyamaさんにオープニングセレモニーの様子とメッセージをいただきました。

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After several months of planning and a very intense installation process, we officially opened our exhibition ‘Liberdade: place of diasporas, ancestries and coexistence’on December 2nd, 2023.

This project was envisioned about a year ago and became a reality thanks to the first edition of the Nippon Social Innovators Collaboration (NSIC) program funded by Nippon Foundation. More than 20 professionals from different fields across Brazil, Japan and United States were involved in the development for the past four months.

‘Liberdade: place of diasporas, ancestries and coexistence’, divided into three sections (Daily Life, Erasure, and Resistance), aims to open up some perspectives: to reflect on the often hidden histories and struggles in localities in Brazil. More than recovering these collective memories, it is an invitation to be affected by the stories of the places they live in and visit, by the ways in which local and fluctuating populations interact with each other and with their different territories in dispute.

We held a small opening ceremony at JICA Yokohama and professors Leiko Matsubara and Monica Okamoto, consultants of the project, were able to take part of the event from Brazil and United States, respectively; along side with members based in Japan: Augusto Cesar Oyama (coordinator), Harumi López Higa (curator), Larissa Lumi Mada (PR Manager and Audiovisual Coordinator) and Quynh Trang Ho Thi (PR Manager and Digital Content Creator).

At the same time, we were very honored to receive Mr. Tatsuhiro Mitamura, Deputy Director General of JICA Yokohama and Deputy Director General of Japanese Overseas Migration Museum; Mr. James Huffman from the Global Communications Team at Nippon Foundation; Mr. Takao Mizukami, Deputy Secretary General and Director of General Affairs Division from the Association of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad as well as Mr. Hiroaki Hirai, from the same association and our project ally.

After the ceremony, participants took part of a guided tour hosted by our coordinator Augusto and Tais Marie Ueta as the interpreter in Japanese.

Please visit the exhibition and share your impressions with us!

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