JICA沖縄センターで実施する課題別研修「基礎教育における格差対策のための教育行政強化」に参加している、Ms. Wendinso Jacqueline YAMEOGOさん(ブルキナファソ)が研修の様子について、まとめてくださいました!
What a studious week for trainees from different countries to discuss the reduction of disparities in basic education! In fact, after the solemn opening ceremony on Monday 10, June2024, the organizers and trainees had a time of introduction. Later, trainees were taught to be carriers of solutions in their various organizations. On Tuesday 11, the presentation of job and country was done, which was an opportunity to know one another better. As to Wednesday, emphasis was laid on the way to develop an action plan to enable participants to solve problems. On Thursday, the trainees visited Nishihara Minami Elementary School. They presented their countries to the students, and also, played with them. Friday was devoted to two courses on special needs. The lesson is that every child must be given the same chances of education.
Reporter : Wendinso Jacqueline YAMEOGO from OIC