

JICA沖縄センターで実施する課題別研修「基礎教育における格差対策のための教育行政強化」に参加している、Ms. Wendinso Jacqueline YAMEOGOさん(ブルキナファソ)が研修での学びを記事にしました!特別支援学校にお伺いした際の学びをまとめています。

A good example of a school that promotes the development of the children with intellectual disabilities and their social integration. In order to understand the realities of the special needs of children in Japan, the participants set sail on June 19, 2024 for Ohira School Special Needs Education where the various cases of intellectual, physical or emotional disability are taken into account in this establishment. After a tour of the different classrooms, dyeing, carpentry, cooking, weaving..., Trained and qualified teachers are responsible for the children in their care. Also, the infrastructures are spacious, the environment is idyllic, the rooms are well equipped with everything necessary for their supervision. This school is not an isolated case given that there are nineteen others in the same vein, some dedicated to specific disabilities and have been doing so for decades. In addition, this establishment combines intellectual training and professional training by teaching children to model, create ceramic objects, sew bags and weave wool and make wooden objects. All this with the aim of facilitating their socio-professional integration. Also, it should be noted that students are supported from primary school to secondary school. The participants in this Okinawa course are unanimous on the usefulness of such infrastructures in countries where JICA supports governments for inclusive education in view of Japan's expertise and rich experience in this area. For the English inspector Wendila Blaise DAWENDE from Burkina Faso, such initiatives would require the allocation of significant financial efforts for better care of these children with special needs in African countries. In addition, teachers should be trained to give them the skills and abilities to better care for children with these disabilities. because said i. “Disability is not inability”

Reporter: Wendinso Jacqueline YAMEOGO from OIC





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