End of the program for 15 participants to reduce disparities in basic education in their countries. After passing unique, thrilling experience for five weeks learning the history of Japan, that of Okinawa, Japanese education in all its facets, education in rural areas, visiting special needs schools, private and public schools and the disparities observed in education in Japan... the fifteen lucky ones elected from the ministries in charge of education of Botswana, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ethiopia, Laos, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, South Sudan, Uzbekistan and Yemen are at the end of their program. But before saying goodbye, according to the disparities observed in each country, the trainees produced and presented this Thursday, July 4, 2024, their action plans in order to support their respective countries in order to overcome these disparities. If for the expert planner Dima DESALEAN SHUNBE of the Ministry of National Education of Ethiopia, the disparity lies in the offer of sanitary napkins for students from economically disadvantaged families, Ms. Soha AWAD, Principal of a school in Palestine, lays emphasis on the strategy to reduce disparities in learning loss for students (major skills in different subjects). The representative of Burkina Faso, Blaise DAWENDE, for his part, focused on the ways and means to bring internally displaced students back to class despite the overcrowded numbers and the lack of means of subsistence. With well-developed activities and a well-defined timeline, the participants intend to implement their action plans and achieve the expected objectives. The trainers, Ms. TAIRA and Mr. UEHARA from Lequio Wings, expressed their satisfaction with the different presentations. Convinced of the power of education to change a country, Mr. UEHARA urged participants from different countries to make this assertion their own and to work hard to build a bright future for children. Reporter Wendinso Jacqueline YAMEOGO from OIC.