What Protects Lives from Workplace Accidents?


JICA東京本館の階段および4階から3階への非常階段に、新しい安全表示が貼られていることにお気づきでしょうか?階段の前には「Keep Left」、上り下りする人の目線で見える場所に「UP」「DOWN」、非常階段への外開きのドアには「Watch OUT!Open Slowly」のステッカーがあります。

JICA Tokyo Main building stairs

Emergency stairs


これは、9月18日から10月7日までJICA東京で労働安全衛生を学んだ課題別研修コースの研修員が実習で作成したものです。本研修は、日本の労働安全衛生を守る 中央労働災害防止協会がプログラムを組んでくださっていますが、本実習の講師を務めたのは、ホチキスなどの文房具やステッカー印刷機のメーカー マックス株式会社の坂東さんです。

講義風景 (講師:マックス株式会社 坂東康史:中災防公認KYTインストラクター)
Exercise on "Examples of Corporation Health and Safety Activities”by Mr.Bando, MAX Co.,Ltd.



Participants enthusiastically considering the design of a safety label.

いよいよ安全表示を貼り付ける。 「ご安全に!」
Finally, attach the safety label. “Keep Safe!”

報告者:JICA東京センター 人間開発計画調整課 古賀聡子


Have you noticed the new safety signs on the staircases of JICA Tokyo Main Building and on the emergency stairs from the 4th floor to the 3rd floor? “Keep Left" sticker just in front of the staircase, "UP" and "DOWN" stickers in places visible to people going up and down. The outside-opening door to the fire escape has a sticker that reads "WACH OUT! OPEN SLOWLY".

This was prepared by participants of the KCCP “Occupational Safety and Health” course who studied at JICA Tokyo from September 18 to October 7, 2023.
This course was organized by the Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association (JISHA), which protects occupational safety and health in Japan. However, the instructor for this practical training was Mr. Bando of MAX Co. Ltd, a manufacturer of stationery such as staplers and sticker printing machines. Mr. Bando first became aware of the importance of labeling, what makes labeling do work, after participating in a training course offered by JISHA, and he immediately incorporated it into his company's production plant.
The most important thing for saving workers' life was “teambuilding”.
No matter how good the safety labeling is, it alone cannot reduce the risk of workplace accidents. It is only when all workers participate in thinking about what the risks are and discuss what can be done to reduce the risks, and what kind of labeling is necessary, that a "label that conveys the message" can be created.

The participants for this KCCP course are from Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Bhutan, and Mauritius. First, they considered "occupational safety risks" in JICA Tokyo, where they receive daily lectures. They discovered that many people pass each other on the stairs, but there are no rules on which side to go, which sometimes confuses people when they pass each other. They made stickers after thinking about what they needed to convey and what kind of signs would convey the message.

After the course was successfully completed, the participants returned to their home country, their own workplaces. But the safety signs they created continue to protect the safety of KCCP participants and JICA staff working at JICA Tokyo today. The experience of learning that; it is only the “teamwork” of all the people working there that keeps people’s safe at their places, will surely be greatly nurtured in their own workplaces.
Have a safe day!

(Satoko KOGA, Human Development and Operational Coordination Division, JICA Tokyo)


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