jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構 jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構

筑波山でごみ拾いと冒険ハイクを楽しむ研修員 Participants enjoy picking up trash and an adventurous hike on Mt.Tsukuba









皆で感激の登頂と撮影の後は、山小屋ランチ。男体山へ渡る途中のセキレイ茶屋に立ち寄りました。ここには古びて錆び付いた大きな錨があります。なぜここに錨が..? 明治時代、筑波山を指針に漁をしていた千葉・銚子の漁師が、感謝を込めてこの大きな錨を山頂に奉納したそうです。その後銚子の海は大豊漁に恵まれたとか。自然を信仰する日本人と筑波の神さまの微笑ましいストーリーですね。





“Fuji in the West, Tsukuba in the East”―Sacred mountain loved and revered by the people

JICA is working on various SDGs initiatives, and as part of the Participants Welfare Program, we organized a clean hike for participants to enjoy Japan's nature while picking up trash. On the day, nine participants from Uzbekistan, Laos, Cambodia, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Papua New Guinea, and Timor-Leste, etc. participated.

The forecast for the day was cloudy, but we were lucky to see blue skies. As we got closer to Ibaraki, the greenery increased and the ridge of Mt. Tsukuba came into view.
Mt. Tsukuba appears to float over the Kanto Plain, and its ridges are clearly visible even from a distance, it has long been the anchorage of people's hearts since old times. Since its appearance changes several times a day, it has been featured in Manyoshu (The Anthology of Myriad Leaves), Hitachi Fudoki (records of the culture and geography), modern literature, and paintings as a mountain that reflects feelings of the people.

Mt. Tsukuba has two peaks, the masculine (Mt. Nantai) and feminine (Mt. Nyotai), and the male and female deities Izanagi and Izanami, who are the birth gods of the country, are enshrined on the mountain, which has been revered by people since ancient times and selected as one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan.

It has also been a stage for generous love, as in the old days there was a custom called “Kagai” seen in Japan and other parts of Asia, where men and women would gather on the mountain where the gods lived, sing about their feelings, and get together. Today, the shrine is also a power spot for good marriages and good luck and is adored by many people.
We started the hike from Tsukuba Shrine on the Shirakumobashi trail, praying for creating a better country which is the mission of the participants and safety in climbing, in honor of the god of creation of the country.
The climb through the forest starts gently, then gradually increases in slope. Participants working on research on issues in their home countries at Japanese universities openly discuss and exchange opinions with their comrades about society and systems in the open nature.

When asked, “What are the good and difficult aspects of living in Japan?” They answered, “The good points are that it is orderly, polite, convenient, and very safe; the difficult part is that I cannot speak Japanese!” However, when I talk to them in Japanese, they respond fluently in the Japanese they learned in their university. I know that life in a foreign country must be tough, with daily research and language study, etc. but I hope that they will do their best while taking a good break.

Even at a slow pace, we worked up a good sweat and arrived at the Benkei Teahouse ruins after about 1.5 hours climbing. In the distance we could see Lake Kasumigaura, which used be the sea, and the pleasant breeze was soothing.

From here we entered a fun megalith area. At “Benkei Nanamodori” rock, a stone gate said to separate the world of the gods from the present world, we were amazed at the rocks hanging on top and the rocks supporting it when we looked back. At Mother's Womb Passage, a training ground of mountain asceticism, we passed through the rocks to purify our mind and body, and then passed through numerous megaliths such as “Defune Irifune” and “Hokuto Rock” to finally reach the summit of Mt. Nyotai. When we reached the tip of the peak, we were greeted with a view of the Kanto Plain. What a magnificent view! It was worth 2.5 hours climb.

After an exciting summit and photos, we enjoyed lunch at a tea house. On the way to Mt. Nantai, we stopped at Sekirei Teahouse. There was a large, old, rusty anchor here. Why was there an anchor here...? During the Meiji period, fishermen from Choshi, Chiba, who used Mt. Tsukuba as a guide for fishing, donated this large anchor to the summit as a token of their gratitude. After that, the sea of Choshi was blessed with a bountiful catch. It is a heartwarming story of Japanese people who believe in nature and the God of Tsukuba.
We enjoyed delicious Tsukuba Udon, made with local flour noodles and local vegetables, and Soba noodles at tea house, and then took the cable car down from Miyukigahara.

After descending the Mountain, we stopped by Inaba Sake Brewery, which has been brewing Sake with spring water from Mt. Tsukuba since the Edo period. The participants were smiling as they enjoy the finest Japanese Sake named “Minanogawa―Men and Women River“ brewed with the spring water of Mt. Tsukuba and Sake lees ice cream. Surrounded by rice fields and lotus ponds, it was a wonderful Sake brewery that continued to brew Sake with sincerity.
We also bought souvenirs at Shimotsuma Roadside Station and spent the day enjoying the rich nature and bounty of Ibaraki.

Thank you to all the participants for your cooperation in cleaning up the mountain. Now you have cultivated your spirit at Mt. Tsukuba, so please go on your study and research again with renewed your mind and body!

Comments from participants
・Great experience exploring the rocky path and challenging myself, equal a great health activity
・I really love this kind of adventure trip in nature. Thanks million to JICA for giving such a wonderful opportunity!
・It was a really nice experience. It was not only about the hiking and getting to know the history of the place, but along the way I could also experience getting to know other participants as well as to see how Japanese people and families love the nature through hiking.


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