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世界を知る初めの一歩! ~JICA研修員21名たちとの異文化交流~





学校における整理整頓について by小竹森先生

学校における保健室の役割について by高橋先生










報告者:JICA東京 人間開発・計画調整課 本郷健人

First Step to Know the World! ~Cross-cultural exchange with 21 JICA participants~

5S is named after the initial letters of each step: 5S is the principles of work environment improvement derived from the Japanese words Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke, which can be described Sort, Set Shine, Standardize, and Sustain respectively in English. For us Japanese, it has been taught since elementary school and has probably become a habit. So, how about in another countries?
21 medical professionals participating in the training course“Quality Improvement of Health Services through Kaizen” visited at Akatsutsutsumi Elementary School in Setagaya, Tokyo!

Impressed by the KAIZEN Activities taking places at the school

The participants first heard from 2nd grade homeroom teacher Kotakemori about the tidying up activities taking place at the school. The participants were surprised to see pictures of children's neat and tidy desks and the system of cleaning duty. After that, Takahashi sensei, a school nurse teacher, presented about health education and health checkups conducted at the school, and the role of the infirmary. During the school tour, the participants were greeted with students, some of the students were saying “Hello!” to the participants and they seemed to enjoy the conversation with the students.

Presentation of 5S Activities in Japanese school education by teacher Kotakemori

Presentation of 5S Activities in the nurse’s office by teacher Takahashi

First experience of Japanese traditional games and presentation from participants in the classroom!

During break time, the participants played traditional Japanese games such as Kendama, Ayatori, and Koma with the students. One of the students who played Kendama with the participant advised, “You can do it better if you use your knees! The participants seemed to enjoy playing Japanese traditional games for the first time with students.
After that, the participants were divided into 1st and 2nd grade classrooms to give a presentation about their own country. They introduced their country's location, flag, traditional cuisine, world heritage sites, etc., by using photos. During the question time, the teacher asked if anyone wanted to ask questions, and many hands went up! One 1st-grade student said “I would like to visit the participant's country!”

Playing Ayatori with students

The participants were playing Kendama

This can be a great opportunity to think about the world

Many of the participants who participated in this program said they learned a lot from the school and students.
<some of the comments are as follows>
●This school visit was a great opportunity for me. The Japanese children were very friendly and I was very surprised at the tidiness activities in the school. (Ethiopia)
●I was able to learn about the differences in educational methods between my country and Japan. I would like to teach my children about this experience when I return to my country. (Uganda)

It seems that both participants and students gained significant experience from this program. We hope that students, who will be building a borderless future, were able to learn about the world.

We would like to express our gratitude to Setagaya Akatsutsutsumi Elementary School for hosting our visit!

The picture with Principal of the school Mr. Komiya and Kotakemori sensei

Human Development and Operational Coordination Division, JICA Tokyo


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