jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構 jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構




八木紗良(上智大学 総合グローバル学部中東・アフリカ研究専攻​3年)



東京駅付近の紅葉/Near Tokyo Station, Autumn Leaves landscape





中間プレゼンテーション/Mid-Semester Presentation










In this article, I’m going to introduce Ms. Islam from Sudan. She is a graduate student at Toyo University.I interviewed her about her personality, home country, interest, and visions after finishing her course.


Before coming to Japan, Ms. Islam was working at Khartoum State Cleaning Corporation, Medical Waste Department in Sudan. The position meets the demands of her to deepen interest, health issues, from various prospectives.
Especially, one of the most concerned issues on the field is solid waste. Since the common way to deal with waste disposal in Sudan is to transfer it to landfills directly, she got attracted to the new idea to recycle and benefit from waste. In addition, the outbreak of civil war in 2023 propelled her on the issue of destruction waste, such as debris generated by the war.
Studying in Japanese University is a great opportunity for her to gain knowledge about waste management and to become able to contribute more to the people in Sudan.

Academic Life

Ms. Islam’s research is related to the recycling of destruction waste for the enhancement of reconstruction in Sudan. Due to the civil war, she cannot go back to her country to do field survey. Instead, she has hired some assistants in Sudan to help her work. She also did some online interviews to her coworkers at her cleaning corporation and to staffs working at the Ministry of Environment.
She believes that utilizing destruction waste will have a positive effect in both environmental and economic aspects. Her research is a case study in the capital city of Sudan, but she hopes to utilize results of her study to other areas at the time the civil war ends.

Influence from Her Mother

The biggest influence reflecting on her values was her mother. In her ethnic group, it is not common for girls to get educated because of the culture of early marriage around 16 or 17. Ms. Islam’s mother is one of the rare cases, because she was an educated woman in the ethnic group. Ms. Islam was taught many things from her mother, like how to be strong and how to make a difference in the community. Raised by her mother, Ms. Islam’s desire to learn and take actions to contribute to her community got bigger and bigger.

Daily Life in Japan

The biggest emotional support in her daily life in Japan is her husband and her two daughters. She changed her initial plan to come to Japan alone to bring her family together because of the difficult situation of the civil war in Sudan. Her husband always encourages her on her research and supports her, and her daughters are enjoying going to Japanese public school. Being safe in Japan with her family is a big support for her.
In addition, she is thankful for Japanese people’s kindness and their spirit of acceptance to others. She was impressed by Japanese people trying their best to help her despite the language barrier. She also says that she has never felt discrimination or racism in Japan.

Future Outlooks

After completing her studies at Toyo University and if the situation of the war gets better, she hopes to continue her work in Sudan and to make the use of what she had learned in Japan. She also wants to make a better life for herself and her daughters. She says she will keep learning and improving herself. In two or three decades, she hopes to become a person to make a difference in her own region and country.


Through this interview, I was inspired by Ms. Islam’s strong will and energy to looking for what she can do for her family and community even in the difficult situation. She told me that there are a lot of people like her who are working to contribute to the country. I felt happy that JICA’s program is providing a good opportunity for them. At the same time, I learned the importance to continue thinking about what I can do as a university student in Japan to solve these issues in the world.

 ・JICA開発大学院連携/JICAチェア | 事業について - JICA
 ・研修員受入事業(長期) | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA


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