jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構 jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構




八木紗良(上智大学 総合グローバル学部中東・アフリカ研究専攻​3年)














 In this article, I would like to introduce Ms. Jill Goroba from Papua New Guinea (PNG). She is a 2nd year graduate student at the International University of Japan (IUJ) in Niigata. I interviewed her about her background, life in IUJ, daily life, and visions after finishing her course.


 This stay is not the first time for Ms. Goroba to visit Japan. When she was an undergraduate student, she studied Japanese for a year at Waseda University. Through her stay, she was inspired by Japanese people’s punctuality and modesty.
 This time, she was endorsed by her superiors at the Ministry of Justice to apply to this program. She chose IUJ because she can deepen her interest and there were many students from PNG.

Academic Life at IUJ

 Ms. Goroba’s academic life at IUJ was challenging for her with technical courses. Her research topic is “Bridging Perceptions: A study of public confidence and its impact on the Probation Service in Papua New Guinea.
 It has been extremely challenging for her to deal with mathematics and economics, which is not in her field of study. However, she feels that it was worth overcoming. She hopes more people will devote themselves to research and contribute to the improvement of systems and policies in PNG.

Daily Life

 Her passion and motivation to her research comes from her family and her country. Since she left her family in PNG and came to Japan as an ambassador of her country, she is passionate to make the most of this opportunity.
 Also, she refreshes her mind, by having regular communication with her family via video chats for connectivity and as a way to de-stress, she goes on train trips during her free days. She enjoys learning Japanese through talking with Japanese friends, too.

Future Outlooks

 After completing academic program at IUJ, she made resolution of utilizing what she has learned in Japan to impart back at her organization. In the long run, she also hopes to engage in the research work, contributing to development in her country and also challenge her career abroad in countries like Japan.
She concluded her story, “We can plan, but we can never know what the future holds.” There are a lot we can learn from her flexibility and effort.


 Through the interview, I learned a lot from her passion and effort to contribute to her country. I was also inspired by the way she communicated politely with a student like me, who is much younger than her. This interview showed me a glimpse of the spirit of JICA’s Co-creation program to learn from each other.

 ・JICAインターン生が取材しました!長期研修員の魅力⑩ | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA

 ・JICA開発大学院連携/JICAチェア | 事業について - JICA
 ・研修員受入事業(長期) | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA


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