How are the participants making use of what they have learned since the end of the program? Let's have a look at what they are doing one year after returning their home country!
12月2日(月)研修初日、昨年の研修参加者であるコートジボワール研修員Prisca KOFFI(プリスカ)さんとタイ研修員 Chermpun Chipibhop(プン)さんが、帰国研修員とのディスカッションセッションに登壇してくれました!このセッションは、①帰国研修員の帰国後の取組・成果を発表してもらうこと ②今年度研修員がこれから受ける研修やアクションプラン作成に対する具体的イメージを持ってもらうことを目的に計画されました。JICA研修事業では、研修で学んだことを帰国後どのように自身の業務に活かし、実践していくのか、自身の行動計画(アクションプラン)を作成します。オンラインで二人と繋がり、アクションプランの進捗報告をしていただきました!
We saw each other for the first time in a year!
The Knowledge Co-creation Program (Groupe and Region Focus)“Business and Human Rights” in FY 2024 was held for two weeks from the beginning of December, with 11 participants from eight countries: Indonesia, Cambodia, Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Maldives, and Mongolia.
This program has been conducted since 2023 to share good practices and issues related to business and human rights policies and their implementation, and to make use of protect human rights.
On December 2nd, Ms. Prisca KOFFI from Cote d'Ivoire and Mr. Chermpun Chipibhop from Thailand, both participants from last year, joined a discussion session with the participants this time! This session was carried out for the following reasons;
Firstly, to have the former participants present their efforts and achievements after returning to their home countries.
Secondly, to make it easier for the participants to have an image of Action Plan and the whole program itself.
In JICA's Knowledge Co-Creation Programs, participants make their own action plan on how they will apply what they have learned in the program to their own work after returning home country. We connected with the two participants online and had them report on the progress of their action plans!
Learn about the success of former participants to improve our program
Ms. Prisca from Cote d'Ivoire presented a report to the Ivorian Ministry of Justice on what she learned from the program and shared her experiences in a meeting with her colleagues.
Mr. Chermpun from Thailand reported that he conducted a BHR training for university lecturers and participated in the Business and Human Rights Week in Bangkok to raise awareness about business and human rights.
<Comments from participants>
I was able to gain an understanding of the conditions of BHR in other countries and how to prepare an action plan. (Indonesia)
Moving forward, there is a need to leverage on alumni networks to gain insights and build partnerships for implementing BHR initiatives in Ghana.
Also, I observed from the two former participants that they have done a lot of knowledge sharing and capacity building sessions, which is something I could emulate. (Ghana)
After this discussion, this year's participants successfully completed the two-week program.
At the evaluation meeting on the last day of the program, the participants said, “I learned a lot from the lectures and from the discussions among the participants. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would like to recommend my colleagues to participate in this program.”
We are looking forward to hearing about their progress next year!
The discussion session with the former participants is not only an opportunity to learn about the current progress of the ex-participants, but also has the potential to build a network among all participants.
JICA will continue to take advantage of the program to follow up with ex-participants.
報告者:JICA東京 産業開発・公共政策課 酒井ひかり
Ms. Hikari SAKAI
Industrial Development and Public Policy Division, JICA Tokyo