Ex-Long-term participant's thinking about efficiency of JICA Tokyo


An ABE initiative(*) student from South Africa, Mr. Alex Bunodiere has worked with JICA Tokyo through his new business to improve JICA Tokyo's efficiency.
His work, as pro-bono, has developed with in-depth analysis and valuable suggestions on optimization and efficiency for JICA Tokyo's administrative services and facilities.

After living in Japan for 3 years and noticing many inefficiencies in everyday life, he decided to start a consulting company called truEfficiency (Refer to the below link). He graduated from Hiroshima University in 2020 and then did an internship at SoftBank in Tokyo and stayed at JICA Tokyo for a few months. It was during this stay that he noticed some inefficiencies in the JICA Tokyo building and started this project.

The work consisted of several different phases, including observation, calculations, meetings, surveys and several reports that spanned two-month period.
13 efficiency measures were identified ranging from simple (investigation of unnecessary use of appliances and examination of appropriate AC temperature setting) to complex (restructuring Wi-Fi network and recycling programs). These measures would help improve JICA TIC's efficiency thereby, reducing operating costs, improve guests satisfaction and reduce environmental impact.

(*) The ABE Initiative (African Business Education Initiative for Youth) is a program that offers opportunities for African youths to study at master's courses at Japanese universities as international students and to experience internships at Japanese companies.

南アフリカ出身のABEイニシアティブ(※)の留学生ブノディアレ アレックスさんが彼の新たなビジネスとして開始予定の業務を通じて、JICA東京の効率性向上のためにJICA東京と協働しました。この業務は彼の善意により無償で行われたものですが、綿密な分析と貴重な提案を行いました。

(※) 「ABEイニシアティブ」(African Business Education for Youth)とは、アフリカの産業人材育成と日本企業のアフリカビジネスを現地でサポートする水先案内人の育成を目的として、アフリカの若者を日本に招き、日本の大学での修士号取得と、日本企業でのインターン実施の機会を提供するプログラム。