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2021年3月24日、JICA長期研修「イノベーティブ・アジア」プログラムで2018年9月にパキスタンから来日したRAZA Waqas Ahmedさんが、コロナ禍にも負けず無事に京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会学工学専攻の修士課程を修了しました。2年半に及ぶ大学院生活(研究生として半年、正規生として2年)を振り返り、RAZAさんから以下のようにコメントをいただきました。









2021年4月からは国際組織であるCITY NET YOKOHAMAでJICAの卒業後のインターンシップとして災害リスク管理プロジェクトに参加し「ネパールの学校での災害リスク軽減クラブの設立と普及」 に取り組みます。


English version

Pursuing an advanced degree from a top-notch university was one of my dreams a few years ago. Thanks to Kyoto University and JICA for turning my dream into reality. I have recently graduated from Kyoto University with a Master of Engineering in Urban Management specializing in Disaster Risk Management. My research mainly focused on understanding households’ risk perceptions and awareness concerning the effects of technological disasters (Natechs) on property values and location choices. This research aimed to promote risk communication to enable residents to be prepared for complex disasters. During my 6-month research studentship and 2-years master's studies at Kyoto University, I was actively involved in international conferences and workshops. I have participated in an International Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction in Taiwan, presented my research work in several international workshops and symposiums such as Integrated Disaster Risk Management Workshop 2020 Kyoto, 10th Japan-China Joint Workshop 2020 at Nagoya Institute of Technology, and 5th International Symposium on Natech Risk Management 2021. Besides, I completed an internship in one of the reputed international organizations (Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Bangkok, Thailand). These experiences gained through international internships and conferences have boosted my confidence level, enhanced my international exposure, and polished my communication and practical skills.
Furthermore, I have completed the JICA development programs under which I focused on International Negotiation and Integrated Approaches for Sustainable Development courses. Besides, I have participated in the JICA 1-week development program of Understanding Japanese Development and Modernization Experience at GRIPS Tokyo. Overall, the program was very informative and exciting, but the most impressive thing that l like was the debates after each session among all the participants and the sensei. These debates provided us the platform to think logically about how we can apply different Japanese development techniques and experience in our own countries' development. Moreover, I have participated as a guest speaker in the Kyoto City Government Seminar, where I talked about the Emergency Management System at the Local Level in Pakistan Developed by Volunteers and Halal Foods in Japan. I have participated in many of JICA’s cultural events. I gave a presentation about Pakistani culture and cuisine to Kaminoshima Junior high school students, which was a wonderful experience to talk with the Japanese students.
By participating in JICA’s development and cultural programs, I have gradually got used to communicate with Japanese people even though we have different background. I have learned a lot about Japan’s modernization and development history. Japan is the world's most punctual country. Therefore, my life here during these several years has taught me to become more independent, punctual, and responsible than I used to be.
From April 2021, I will start doing a JICA post-graduation internship at an international organization, CITYNET Yokohama, where along with other projects of DRR, I will work on “Establishing and Disseminating Disaster Risk Reduction Clubs at Schools in Nepal.”
This journey of chasing my dream was not possible without the support of JICA. Therefore, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for granting me the priceless opportunity to pursue my graduate studies from one of the most prestigious universities in the world. I also appreciate all members I met in Japan including the JICA’s cooperation in arranging and supporting internships that will strengthen my technical and professional skills.

業務第一課 鮫島綾子