ハック・アデリータ・ハリマ(バングラデシュ出身 / 武蔵野大学 グローバルビジネス学科 2年)
上智大学にて/ At Sophia University
屋外フィールドワーク中/ During outside fieldwork
ケリーさんは、発展途上国出身の留学生を念頭にアドバイスしたい: 「発展途上国から来た留学生には、自国に持ち帰って学ぶべき貴重なことがたくさんあります。できるだけ多くのことを学び、好奇心を持ち続け、溌剌と過ごしてください」
Kellie Gough, an Environmental Economist from Jamaica, has always had a deep interest in the intersection of economics and the environment. Initially aspiring to become a political advisor, Kellie’s career path took an unexpected turn after she found a job in environmental economics. The experience broadened her understanding and ignited a passion that would shape her professional journey.
Kellie’s work focuses on assigning economic value to natural resources, in the wider field of environmental economics. In her current research, she delves into the economic valuation of natural resources in Jamaica, including the country's rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems, such as the flora and wetlands of the Mason River Protected Area. Her goal is to determine the monetary worth of these natural treasures, hoping that understanding their value will encourage both the public and the government to invest in their conservation.
One of the central aspects of Kellie’s work is understanding how much people are willing to pay to preserve these vital ecosystems. This kind of research is crucial for developing policies that balance economic growth with environmental sustainability—a challenge in many developing countries like Jamaica.
The realities of working in a developing country have posed significant obstacles. As Kellie explained, in Jamaica, implementing new environmental policies can be difficult, particularly in a context where the government’s primary focus is often on economic growth. Convincing stakeholders to consider the long-term economic benefits of conservation initiatives requires Kellie to navigate these challenges with creativity and determination.
Despite the hurdles, Kellie remains committed to her work. Upon her return to Jamaica, she plans to continue her efforts in environmental economics, specifically by updating the valuation of protected areas and promoting sustainable practices. She envisions playing a key role in advancing carbon financing and sustainable reporting in Jamaica. Moreover, she aims to push for the integration of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles across the country and to spread the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) throughout Jamaica.
Kellie’s aspirations extend beyond her home country. She is keen on collaborating with multinational organizations like the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Inter-American Development Bank, and JICA, as these entities hold significant influence in Jamaica. By working with these organizations, Kellie hopes to effect meaningful change at both the national and global levels.
Kellie Gough shares this insightful advice with future scholars, especially those from developing countries: "If you are from a developing country, there are many valuable things to learn and take back to your home. Take the time to learn as much as possible, stay curious, and remain resilient."
・JICAインターン生が取材しました!長期研修員の魅力② | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA
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