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八木紗良(上智大学 総合グローバル学部中東・アフリカ研究専攻​3年)


 今回インタビューさせていただいたのは、ジンバブエ出身で、現在国際大学の国際関係学研究科で学んでいるMr. MUSARIRI Trymore(以下、トライモアさん)です。トライモアさんの研究内容や価値観、将来の展望についてお話を伺いました。


 現在、トライモアさんは、ジンバブエの炭鉱業における企業のリスクマネジメントについて研究しています。このテーマを選んだ理由には、ジンバブエの炭鉱業の課題があります。ジンバブエは豊富な鉱物資源を持つ国で、特にリチウムはアフリカトップの埋蔵量を誇っています。しかし、炭鉱におけるリスクマネジメントが不十分なために、炭鉱での事故が多発しているためです。自分が研究することで炭鉱業のリスクマネジメント能力の向上に貢献したい 、という想いが研究の動機です。


 そんなお父さんの姿勢を受け継いだトライモアさんは、現在大学で、アフリカにルーツを持つ人たちが集まるコミュニティの代表を務めています。後輩のために冬服や家電を集めて渡したり、勉強や日常生活のサポートをしたりしています。また、コミュニケーションアプリを活用し、日本やほかの国で学びたい学生向けの情報発信もしています 。研究で多忙な中でも、得た知識を惜しみなく分け与え、周りを助けるトライモアさんの生き様が伝わります。




 国際大学での学びを終えた後、トライモアさんは母国でエンタープライズマネージャーとして働き、 企業のリスクマネジメントに貢献するという夢を持っています。将来的には、日本で働いたり、日本とジンバブエをつないだり、他の国で働いたりしたい、と野望も語ってくれました。




 In this article, I’m going to introduce Mr. MUSARIRI Trymore from Zimbabwe. He is a graduate student at International University of Japan (IUJ) in Niigata. I interviewed him about his research, values, and visions after finishing his course.


 Mr.Trymore is doing research about leadership in the implementation of enterprise-wide risk management practices in the mining industry in Zimbabwe.
 He chose this theme because there are many issues in the mining industry in his country. Zimbabwe has rich mineral resources. Especially, it has the largest lithium deposits in Africa. However, there are many accidents in mines because of the failure of risk management. He started his research to contribute to the improvement of risk management in mining industry in Zimbabwe.
 Mr.Trymore did field research in his home country. He was able to discover the real situation in mining industry by interviewing miners and visiting ministries. Supported by his supervisor, he is now in the process of making proposals to solve the issues.


 In his daily life, Mr.Trymore values helping others and sharing knowledge with others. It is because of his father’s influence. If someone is having a trouble, hisfather always help them, even if the person is an unfamiliar with him. He becomes happy for others’ success.
 Inspired by his father, Mr.Trymore always help others. He is now the president of a community of people with African roots in his university. He collects winter clothes and home appliances for new students and supports them in their study and daily life in Japan. He also uses communication apps to share information with students who are interested in studying in other countries like Japan.
 Even when he is busy with his research, Mr.Trymore generously shares his knowledge and helps others.

Studying in Japan

 Through his stay in Japan, Mr.Trymore now hopes that young people in Zimbabwe will come to Japan to study.
 He pointed out two things African youth can learn from Japan. The first one is the high economic growth after WWⅡ. He says that there are much to learn from the way how Japan has developed rapidly. The second one is Japanese people’s discipline and punctuality. Through living in Japan, he learned the importance of following the rules, planning and managing things. He thinks it is valuable for African people to learn this spirit of Japanese people.
 In addition, thanks to JICA Development Studies Programme, he is able to do his research to his satisfaction. Coming to study in Japan is not common in Zimbabwe, but he hopes more people will get interested in Japan and JICA.

Future Outlooks

 After completing his study in IUJ, Mr.Trymore has a dream to become an enterprise risk manager in his country and contribute to improving risk management in companies in Zimbabwe. In a long run, he hopes to work in other countries including Japan or become a bridge between Japan and Zimbabwe.
 As his motto, “Live my life simple, be better than I was yesterday, and not to compare with others,” he is always working toward his goals.


 Through this interview, I was inspired by how Mr.Trymore's helps others despite his busy schedule, and how he pursues his interests to solve problems in his home country. Talking with Mr.Trymore, who is full of gratitude and feelings for JICA and Japan, I realized the value that Japan can provide and felt the pride and responsibility as a citizen of Japan.

 ・JICAインターン生が取材しました!長期研修員の魅力⑩ | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA
 ・JICAインターン生が取材しました!長期研修員の魅力⑫ | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA

 ・JICA開発大学院連携/JICAチェア | 事業について - JICA
 ・研修員受入事業(長期) | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA


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