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This Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is a collaborative initiative between JICA DX Lab and Dhaka Mass Transit Co. Ltd. (“DMTCL”), aiming to select a technology solution provider (“Digital Partner”) for Dhaka Metro App development. The primary objective of this initiative is to enhance commuter experience by streamlining traffic flow and reducing congestion at stations, improve citizen’s access to metro-related information and enhance metro operations efficiency through digital and data-driven solutions. The implementation effort shall broadly encompass the following: -


The implementation is scheduled for around six months, tentatively beginning in September 2024 and concluding by the end of February 2025.





The Dhaka Metro, operated by DMTCL, with an administrative coordination support and clearing house function by the Dhaka Transport Coordination agency (“DTCA”), has significantly transformed the lives of Bangladeshi citizens by alleviating traffic congestion in the capital. Within less than 2 years of its launch, Dhaka Metro has streamlined daily commutes, drastically reducing travel time and enhancing productivity for commuters. Additionally, the metro's eco-friendly operations have contributed to reducing carbon emissions, promoting a healthier urban environment. The Dhaka Metro has the potential to further enhance its impact through minimizing waiting time at ticket counters, reducing congestion at stations, and improving access to information amongst its commuters.

This initiative aims to develop the Dhaka Metro App which will transform urban commuting by providing comprehensive real-time updates and information to commuters to plan their journeys and thereby navigate any disruptions. This App will further augment convenience by offering facility of online recharge of travel cards, therefore significantly reducing wait times, enhancing commuter experience, and increasing operational efficiency. The anticipated increase in convenience and efficiency is expected to boost metro adoption and usage considerably. With Dhaka Metro poised to expand further across multiple new metro lines, the Dhaka Metro App will play an instrumental role in facilitating optimal commuter experience.

The collaboration between JICA DXLab's technological expertise and DMTCL’s deep understanding of key commuter pain points sets the foundation for a significant leap towards achieving operational excellence through digital transformation.

In alignment with these efforts, this RFP is being initiated to onboard a Digital Partner capable of developing a citizen app, complementing the efforts of DMTCL, DTCA and JICA to introduce a suite of technological solutions aimed at transforming public mobility landscape in the city.

Join us in this transformative journey to elevate DMTCL’s digital infrastructure and operations to new heights of excellence and sustainability. Let's work together to make a lasting impact and empower DMTCL to improve operational efficiency and sustainability with cutting-edge technology and collaboration.



M. A. N Siddique
Managing Director of DMTCL

Having played the pivotal role in transforming the urban transportation infrastructure & highway networks in Bangladesh, Mr. Siddique is currently heading DMTCL, a company responsible for planning, designing, construction, operation, and maintenance of Dhaka Metro Rail Network. Dhaka Metro App project aims to develop mobility application with mobile responsive website for the Dhaka Metro Rail. The primary objective of this initiative is to lower commuter congestion at stations, improve citizen’s access to metro information and enhance metro operations’ efficiency through digital and data-driven solutions. Project owner’s role in the project will be to coordinate across departments, align project goals with the broader organizational objectives and liaise with JICA DXLab and the selected Digital Partner. His leadership ensures that the project meets its technical and operational targets and aligns with DMTCL's Vision and Mission to transform city's public mobility landscape.

M. A. N Siddique


Yushi Nagano
Head of JICA DXLab

JICA has been working closely with DMTCL for more than a decade on the development of metro railway network and urban mobility in Dhaka, both financially and technically. On top of these ongoing efforts, JICA DXLab is now sponsoring this Dhaka Metro App, which embodies our commitment to promoting socio-economic development through digital transformation. JICA, together with DMTCL and DTCA, aims to improve the travel experience of Dhaka citizens by creating the first-ever mobility application in Bangladesh. The JICA DXLab's role includes providing strategic oversight, technological expertise, and financial support and ensuring that the initiative is aligned with local needs and global best practices in digital innovation. This sponsorship is a testament to JICA DXLab’s broader goal of supporting sustainable development by fostering innovation in partner countries.

Yushi Nagano



Eligible parties must fulfill all the following conditions to participate (please refer to the RFP document for details)

1. Legal Entity in Bangladesh; If a participant is not registered in Bangladesh, they must establish consortium with at least one member that is a legal entity registered in Bangladesh.

2. Minimum 2 years of experience in software development, data management, and technological innovation (custom app/ software)

3. Conflict of interest: Each bidder must only participate in one bid.

4. Legal History: Management and proposed team members of the Digital Partner must not include individuals with a history of corruption, arrest records, or affiliations with criminal organizations.

5. Debarment: Parties not debarred/blacklisted by JICA in past are only allowed to bid.

Only qualified candidates will be considered for technical evaluation, where eligible bidders present their proposals. Post-presentation, technical marks will be awarded based on the assessment of the proposals. Subsequently, commercial bids will be opened for the candidates clearing the minimum cutoff technical scores. The overall combined technical and commercial evaluation scores will then determine the winning candidate with the highest score. This structured approach ensures a transparent and merit-based selection of the most suitable bidder.


The selected Digital Partner will be responsible for delivering the following key outputs (please refer to the RFP document for details): -

1. Build and Deploy:
a) App and mobile-responsive website development:
Develop the front-end and back-end of mobile apps (Android and iOS) and a mobile-responsive website for identified features spanning across transactions, content management and other domains. Create a dedicated admin portal for monitoring, control, and updates.

b) Online Recharge (top up server):
Software development and integration to enable online recharge functionality through the app/ website.

2. System Architecture, Integration, and Scalability:
Design a scalable architecture to accommodate future ridership growth, thereby realizing the long-term vision of multi-modal mobility.

3. App Performance and Analytics:
Identify and implement tools for app performance and analytics. Monitor key performance indicators (e.g., MAU, DAU, response times).

4. Stabilization and Maintenance Support:
Provide 24/7 troubleshooting support and stabilization for a minimum of one-month post-launch.

5. Capability Building and Training:
Design and deliver user guides/ training videos for app navigation, data entry, and troubleshooting for app users. Design and deliver admin manuals and conduct admin training covering operations & management of app, web & infrastructure; admin portal functionalities; user management, and data analysis.

6. Hardware procurement:
Digital Partner is required to procure Add-value machines (AVMs) with secure access module to be installed across existing stations and undertake software development and configurations with online recharge functionality.

7. Server procurement:
Procure primary and backup servers as per app & web, and Top up server hosting requirements.

8. Technical Documentation:
Develop and deliver comprehensive documentation at all stages: design/ plan (including PRD, TRD, system architecture, wireframes), build (API specifications, data mapping), test (test strategy, test cases), go-live (deployment plan, checklist), and support/maintenance (maintenance reports, user manuals, security protocols), etc.


Electronic submission must be received at JICADXLab@bcg.com by the latest 11:59 PM Bangladesh Standard Time (UTC+6) on August 25th, 2024


RFP also includes other information, including the project background, target location for PoC, and eligibility. Please visit RFP for details


There are seven key technical requirements which includes the development of the following digital solutions:

Info Session

We plan to host an online information session for prospective bidders tentatively on August 1st, 2024, 10:00 AM Bangladesh Standard Time (UTC+6).If you wish to participate, please contact us at JICADXLab@bcg.com . Confirmation of participation via email is mandatory to receive the online link for the session.

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