jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構 jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構




塩谷稀一郎(東京大学 大学院 工学系研究科 修士1年)

Mr.CONTE FALCON Aaron Alexanderの(新潟大学自然科学研究科)の背景について




River discharge measurement in Murakami, Niigata

Bon Odori event





Background of Mr.CONTE FALCON Aaron Alexander

Now I’m an Associate Professor at the University of Panama. My research interests are in environmental sciences, specifically water ecosystem services.
I wanted to develop my professional skills and gain experience. I had an opportunity to participate in JICA events before and decided to study abroad under the JICA program.

The life in Japan

Currently I’m a doctoral student at Niigata University. I am engaged in various activities, like courses and research, which are very fulfilling. Also, I enjoy the daily life in Japan with my family. We joined local events such as Bon Odori dancing, which gave us good memories. Although there is a language barrier, JICA staff and local people are very supportive and helpful.
In addition, I participated in JICA events, and the study tour in Sado Island was impressive for me. I was interested especially in the eco-friendly agriculture there.

After graduation

I hope I understand the good aspects of Japan, especially its education system, and bring them back to Panama.
While doing my own research, I would also like to serve as a bridge between Japan and Panama to further develop cooperation and co-creation. Furthermore, since I wish I deepen the relationship between our two countries, I want to encourage exchange programs between the two countries in the future.

Messages for the future students

Understand Japan as much as possible and enjoy your life here to the fullest!
Of course it is important to think about how to improve your own abilities as a researcher and how to apply them to the development of your own country, but at the same time, it is also necessary to conduct your research with an awareness of how your country can build a good relationship and co-create with Japan.

 ・JICAインターン生が取材しました!長期研修員の魅力① | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA
 ・JICAインターン生が取材しました!長期研修員の魅力⑤ | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA
 ・JICA開発大学院連携/JICAチェア | 事業について - JICA
 ・研修員受入事業(長期) | 日本国内での取り組み - JICA


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