マリー・ソデルベリー SÖDERBERG, Marie
- 研究分野・主な研究領域
- ・日本の対外援助(日本の援助政策が目指すもの) ・日本-EU関係 ・安全保障と開発のつながり(EUと日本の協力の可能性と展望)
1986年 PhD, Stockholm University, Institute of Oriental Languages
1974年 BA, Stockholm University
University studies abroad
1982–1984年 Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan (Scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education)
1972年 Fairfield University, Connecticut, USA
2023年– Team leader for the European Union External Action Service project “EU-Japan Connectivity Partnership”
2021年– European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics
2009年–2020年 Director, European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics
2014-2017年 Specially Appointed Research Professor at Osaka University
2014–2015年 Head of the Japanese Section at the Oriental Language Department, Stockholm University
2015年- Adjunct Professor Stockholm School of Economics
2007–2015年 Guest Professor at the Oriental language department, Stockholm University
1997–2009年 Associate Professor, European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics
1993–1997年 Senior Research Fellow, European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics
1987–1993年 Research Assistant in Japanese Studies, Stockholm University, Institute of Oriental Languages
1984–1989年 Program Director and News Reporter at Radio Stockholm
1981–1982年 Foreign news commentator for Aktuellt, Swedish Television
1977–1980年 Foreign correspondent stationed in Tokyo for Svenska Dagbladet
1977年 Journalist at Jönköpingsposten
1974-1976年 Journalist at Huvudstadspress
Axel Berkofsky, Christopher W. Hughes and Paul Midford and Marie Söderberg (eds)
The EU-Japan Partnership in the Shadow of China; the Crisis of Liberalism, London and New York: Routledge, 2019.
Coates, Ken, Hara, Kimie, Holroyd, Carin & Söderberg, Marie (eds.) Japan's future and a new Meiji transformation: international reflections. London: Routledge, 2019.
André Asplund and Marie Söderberg (eds) Japanese Development Cooperation; The making of an Aid architecture Pivoting to Asia, London and New York: Routledge, 2017.
Gunnar Jinmei Linder, Christina Nygren, Marie Söderberg(eds.) Broar av ord, en festskrift till Gunilla Lindberg-Wada, Orientaliska Studier nr 136, Stockholm 2013.
Marie Söderberg and Paul Midford (eds), Japan Forum, Vol. 24, Special Issue: EU–Japan Relations, Taylor & Francis, London, 2012.
Marie Söderberg (ed.), Changing Power Relations in Northeast Asia: Implications for Japan–South Korean Relations, London and New York: Routledge, 2011.
Marie Söderberg and Patricia A. Nelson (eds), Japan’s Politics and Economy, London and New York: Routledge, 2010.
Marie Söderberg and Linus Hagström (eds), The Other Binary: Why Japan–North Korea Relations Matter, Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2006.
Marie Söderberg and Linus Hagström (eds), North Korea Policy: Japan and the Great Powers, London and New York: Routledge, 2006.
Marie Söderberg (ed.), The Chinese–Japanese Relations in the Twenty-first Century, Complementarity and Conflict, London: Routledge, 2002.
Ian Reader and Marie Söderberg (eds), Japanese Influence and Presence in Asia, Richmond: Curzon Press, 2000.
Marie Söderberg (ed.), The Business of Japanese Foreign Aid: Five Cases in Asia, London: Routledge, 1996.
Marie Söderberg, Japan’s Military Export Policy (PhD thesis), Täby: Akademitryck, 1986.
Marie Söderberg, “Japanese Development Assistance: economic and political win-win proposals” in Iliana Olivié and Aitor Pérez (eds.) Aid Power and Politics, London and New York: Routledge, 2019.
Marie Söderberg, Axel Berkofsky, Christopher W. Hughes and Paul Midford “Introduction: now or never?” in Axel Berkofsky, Christopher W. Hughes and Paul Midford and Marie Söderberg (eds) The EU-Japan Partnership in the Shadow of China; the Crisis of Liberalism, London and New York: Routledge, 2019.
Marie Söderberg, “Japan and the EU:SDGs and Changing patterns of development cooperation” in Axel Berkofsky, Christopher W. Hughes and Paul Midford and Marie Söderberg (eds) The EU-Japan Partnership in the Shadow of China; the Crisis of Liberalism, London and New York: Routledge, 2019
Marie Söderberg, Axel Berkofsky, Christopher W. Hughes and Paul Midford “Conclusion: the way forward” in Axel Berkofsky, Christopher W. Hughes and Paul Midford and Marie Söderberg (eds) The EU-Japan Partnership in the Shadow of China; the Crisis of Liberalism, London and New York: Routledge, 2019.
Marie Söderberg “From Datsu-A to development assistance as a way of reaching out to Asia” in Coates, Ken, Hara, Kimie, Holroyd, Carin & Söderberg, Marie (eds.) Japan's future and a new Meiji transformation: international reflections. London: Routledge, 2019.
Marie Söderberg, “Japan’s Response to Rising Tension in East Asia: What are the Long and Short-Term Options?, Tokyo: Rips Policy Perspectives No 26 March 2018.
Marie Söderberg, “Japanese Development Assistance as a Multipurpose Political Tool”, in Mary M. MCarthy (ed.), Routledge Handbook on Japanese Foreign Policy, Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2018.
Marie Söderberg, ”Global Change: Japan’s Role in the Making of a New Aid Architecture” in André Asplund and Marie Söderberg (eds) Japanese Development Cooperation; The making of an Aid architecture Pivoting to Asia, London and New York: Routledge, 2017.
Marie Söderberg and André Asplund, “An Asian Aid Paradigm: Japan Leading from Behind” in André Asplund and Marie Söderberg (eds) Japanese Development Cooperation; The making of an Aid architecture Pivoting to Asia, London and New York: Routledge, 2017.
Marie Söderberg, “Myanmar: The Last Frontier to Japanese Development Assistance (ODA) to Southeast Asia”, in Yoneyuki Sugita (ed), Japan Viewed From Interdisciplinary Perspectives, History and Prospects, Lexington: Lexington Books 2015
Marie Söderberg,”Nätverkande för överlevnad – ett måste för Japanforskningen”, in Bert Edström, Forskning om Öst och Sydöstasien,Orientaliska Studier Nr. 142, Stockholm: Kalejdoskop 2015.
Carl Cassegård and Marie Söderberg “I svallvågorna av Fukushima: Kommer Japan att våga satsa på kärnkraften igen?” in Linus Hagström and Pia Moberg (eds.) Japan nu, Strömningar och perspektiv, Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, 2015.
Marie Söderberg, “Adolf Erik Nordeskiölds resa till Japan genom Nordostpassagen: Än idag inspirerar den till ny forskning i Gunnar Jinmei Linder, Christina Nygren, Marie Söderberg(eds.) Broar av ord, en festskrift till Gunilla Lindberg-Wada, Orientaliska Studier nr 136, Stockholm 2013.
Marie Söderberg, “Promoting Peace-Building through EU-Japanese Cooperation in ODA”, in Justyna Szczudlik-Tatar, Artur Gradziuk (eds) Japan and the European Union: Challenges and cooperation in Times of Crises, Warzawa: Polish Institute of International Affairs, 2012.
Marie Söderberg, “Introduction: Where is the EU–Japan relationship heading?”, in Marie Söderberg and Paul Midford (eds), EU–Japan Relations, London: Taylor & Francis, 2012.
Marie Söderberg, “Japanese ODA and initiatives for peace building”, in Bert Edström (ed.), Japan’s Foreign Policy in Transition: The Way Forward for Japan as an International Actor in a World in Flux, Singapore: ISDP, 2011.
Marie Söderberg, “Japan’s ODA as soft power”, in Purnendra Jain and Brad Williams (eds), Japan in Decline, Fact or Fiction, Folkestone, Global Oriental, 2011.
Marie Söderberg, “Introduction: Japan–South Korea relations at a crossroads”, in Marie Söderberg (ed.), Changing Power Relations in Northeast Asia: Implications for Japan–South Korean Relations, London and New York: Routledge, 2011.
Marie Söderberg, “The struggle for a decent life in Japan: the Korean minority adapting to changing legal and political conditions”, in Marie Söderberg (ed.), Changing Power Relations in Northeast Asia: Implications for Japan–South Korean Relations, London and New York: Routledge, 2011.
Marie Söderberg, “A multilayered analysis of Japan–South Korea relations”, in Marie Söderberg (ed.), Changing Power Relations in Northeast Asia: Implications for Japan–South Korean Relations, London and New York: Routledge, 2011.
Marie Söderberg, “Challenges or complements for the West: is there an Asian model of aid emerging?”, in Jens Stilhoff Sörensen (ed.), Challenging the Aid Paradigm: Western Currents and Asian Alternatives, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Patricia A. Nelson and Marie Söderberg, “Introduction: dynamics of change”, in Marie Söderberg and Patricia A. Nelson, Japan’s Politics and Economy, London and New York: Routledge, 2010.
Marie Söderberg, “Foreign aid as a tool for peacebuilding: is the goal security or poverty reduction?”, in Marie Söderberg and Patricia A. Nelson, Japan’s Politics and Economy, London and New York: Routledge, 2010.
Marie Söderberg and Patricia A. Nelson, “Conclusion: perspectives on change”, in Marie Söderberg and Patricia A. Nelson, Japan’s Politics and Economy, London and New York: Routledge, 2010.
Marie Söderberg and Lkham Luvsanjamts, “Mongolia: unpredictable ownership – comparing a Japanese and a Swedish funded project”, in Alf Morten Jerve, Yasutami Shimomura and Annette Skovstedt Hansen (eds), Aid Relationships in Asia: Exploring Ownership in Japanese and Nordic Aid, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Marie Söderberg and Liping He, “China: how size matters – a comparative study of ownership in Japanese and Swedish aid projects”, in Alf Morten Jerve, Yasutami Shimomura and Annette Skovstedt Hansen (eds), Aid Relationships in Asia: Exploring Ownership in Japanese and Nordic Aid, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Marie Söderberg, “Western encounters with Japan”, in Bert Edström and Staffan Rosén (eds), Contacts and Encounters, Essays in Honour of Seung-bog Cho, Orientaliska Studier nr 121, Stockholm, 2007.
Marie Söderberg and Linus Hagström, “Taking Japan–North Korea relations seriously: rationale and background”, in Marie Söderberg and Linus Hagström (eds), The Other Binary: Why Japan–North Korea Relations Matter, Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2006.
Marie Söderberg, “Can Japanese aid to North Korea create peace and stability?”, in Marie Söderberg and Linus Hagström (eds), The Other Binary: Why Japan–North Korea Relations Matter, Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2006.
Marie Söderberg and Linus Hagström, “Introduction: Japan, the great powers, and the coordination of North Korea policy”, in Marie Söderberg and Linus Hagström (eds), North Korea Policy: Japan and the Great Powers, London and New York: Routledge, 2006.
Marie Söderberg, “Swedish perceptions of Japanese ODA”, in David Arase (ed.), Japan’s Foreign Aid, Old Continuities and New Directions, London and New York: Routledge, 2005.
Marie Söderberg, “Japan’s foreign and security policy”, in Timo Kivimäki and Jorgen Delman (eds), The Security Situation in Asia: Changing Regional Security Structure, Copenhagen: NIAS, 2005.
Marie Söderberg, “Bistånd till Kina skapar debatt i Japan”, in Kinarapport nr 2, Wallin och Dalholm Boktryckeri AB, Lund, 2004.
Marie Söderberg, “Planning and administration of contacts with multilateral organisations: the Swedish case”, in Masayuki Tadokoro and Hideaki Shiroyama (eds), International Organisations and Japan, Analysis and Evaluation, Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2004 (in Japanese).
Marie Söderberg, “Japan’s ODA policy in North East Asia”, in Masako Ikegami (ed.), New Northeast Asia Initiatives Cooperation for Regional Development and Security, Stockholm: Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University, 2003.
Marie Söderberg, “Introduction”, in The Chinese–Japanese Relations in the Twenty-first Century, Complementarity and Conflict, London: Routledge, 2002.
Marie Söderberg, “The role of ODA in the relationship”, in The Chinese–Japanese Relations in the Twenty-first Century, Complementarity and Conflict, London: Routledge, 2002.
Marie Söderberg, “De japanska tidningarnas tillkomst och roll I slutet av 1800-talet”, Orientaliska Studier nr 105, Akademitryck AB, Edsbruk 2001.
Örjan Sjöberg and Marie Söderberg, “The Sogo Shosha in transition: finding a new role?”, in Magnus Blomström, Byron Gangnes and Sumner La Croix (eds), Japan’s New Economy, Continuity and Change in the Twenty-First Century, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. ĩ
Marie Söderberg, “Politics on an international level – a comparison of the Japanese and Swedish campaign for a seat in the UN Security Council”, in Japan and Korea in a Nordic Context, Edsbruk: Akademitryck AB, 2000.
Marie Söderberg, “Asia as seen from the perspective of the Japanese general trading houses”, in Japanese Influence and Presence in Asia, Richmond: Curzon Press, 2000.
Marie Söderberg, “Road to development in Thailand”, in Marie Söderberg (ed.), The Business of Japanese Foreign Aid: Five Cases in Asia, London: Routledge, 1996.
Marie Söderberg, “Shipping aid to China”, in The Business of Japanese Foreign Aid: Five Cases in Asia, London: Routledge, 1996.
Marie Söderberg, “OECF and the implementation process”, in The Business of Japanese Foreign Aid: Five Cases in Asia, London: Routledge, 1996.
Marie Söderberg, “Japanese ODA – what type, for whom and why”, in The Business of Japanese Foreign Aid: Five Cases in Asia, London: Routledge, 1996.
Marie Söderberg, “Japanese aid as a foreign policy tool”, in Japan’s Foreign and Security Policies in Transition, Stockholm: Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 1996.
Marie Söderberg, “Japanese development aid: trendiness versus reality”, in Japan Forum, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 1993 (pp. 217–231).
Marie Söderberg, “US–Japan defence relations”, in Perspectives on Japan and Korea, NIAS (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies), Denmark, 1991, pp. 192–206.
Marie Söderberg, “Historien om ett flygplan” [the History of an Aeroplane], Internationella Studier [International Studies], Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 1990 (pp. 77–95).
Marie Söderberg and Machiko Nissanke, The Changing Landscape in Aid Relationships in Africa: Can China’s Engagement Make a Difference to Africa’s Development?, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 2010.
Marie Söderberg and Lkham Luvsanjamts, Mongolia Heaven for Foreign Consultants, EIJS Working Paper Series, Working Paper 215, 2005.
Marie Söderberg and He Liping, ODA for China: Seed Money and a Window for Contacts, EIJS Working Paper Series, Working Paper 214, 2005.
Marie Söderberg, Changes in Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy, EIJS Working Paper 211, 2005.
Marie Söderberg, Is Foreign Aid, or Expectation of Such Aid, an Effective Tool to Influence North Korea?, EIJS Working Paper Series, Working Paper 210, 2005.
Marie Söderberg, The Struggle for a Decent Life in Japan: The Korean Minority Adopting to Changing Legal and Political Conditions, 2004.
Marie Söderberg, The Series Novel at the End of the 19th Century – A Comparison Between Japanese and Swedish Newspapers, EIJS Working Papers Series, Working paper 189, 2004.
Marie Söderberg, The Japanese Citizen’s Increasing Participation in “Civil Society”: Implications for Foreign Aid, EIJS Working Papers Series, Working paper 159, 2002.
Marie Söderberg, Japan’s ODA Policy in Northeast Asia, EIJS Working Papers Series, Working paper 158, 2002.
Marie Söderberg, Changes in Japanese Foreign Aid Policy, EIJS Working Papers Series, Working paper 157, 2002.
Marie Söderberg, Japanese Foreign Aid and Democracy in Asia, paper presented at the Democracy in Asia conference, NIAS, Copenhagen, 26–29 October 1995.
Marie Söderberg, Adam Bronson, ONE HUNDRED MILLION PHILOSOPHERS: Science of Thought and the Culture of Democracy in Postwar Japan, Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University, Honolulu:University of Hawai‘i Press, 2016, in Pacific Affairs: Volume 90, No. 3 – September 2017
Marie Söderberg, Brian Woodall, Growing Democracy in Japan, The Parliamentary Cabinet System since 1868, the University Press of Kentucky, Kentucky 2014, The Journal of Japanese Studies, University of Washington (2016).
Marie Söderberg, Edward M. Feasel, Japan’s Aid – Lessons from economic growth, development and political economy, Routledge, Oxon and New York 2014, Social Science Japan Journal, Oxford University Press (2015).
Marie Söderberg, Oliviero Frattolillo, Diplomacy in Japan-EU Relations, From the Cold War to the post-bipolar era, Routledge, Oxon and New York 2013, The International Spectator, April 2014.
Marie Söderberg, Joint book review: “Economic Diplomacy: Japan and the Balance of National Interests” by Maaike Okano-Heijmans (2013); and “EU-Japan Relations, 1970-2012: From confrontation to global partnership”, by Jörn Keck, Dimitri Vanoverbeke and Franz Waldenberger (eds) (2013) in The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, January 2014
Marie Söderberg, “Foreign Aid and Competition in Northeast Asia” (Edited by Hyo-sook Kim and David M. Potter), Pacific Affairs, Volume 86, No. 4 – December 2013.
Marie Söderberg, Pepper D. Culpepper, “Quiet Politics and Business Power: Corporate Control in Europe and Japan”, Journal of Japanese Studies, University of Washington, 2013.
Marie Söderberg, Ambassaden i paradiset, Sveriges unika relation till Nordkorea (Lovisa Lamm), Respons nr 1, 2012.
Marie Söderberg, “Soft power in Japan–China relations, state, sub-state and non-state relations” (Utpal Vyas), Journal of Japanese Studies, University of Washington, 2012.
Marie Söderberg, “China, Japan and regional leadership in East Asia” (ed. Christopher M. Dent), Journal of Japanese Studies, University of Washington, 2011.
Marie Söderberg, “Exodus to North Korea: shadows from Japan’s cold war”, (Tessa Morris-Suzuki), Pacific Affairs, University of British Columbia, 2008.
Marie Söderberg, “Global governance and Japan: the institutional architecture” (Glen D. Hook and Hugo Dobson), Social Science Japan Journal, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Marie Söderberg, “Japan’s development aid to China: the long-running foreign policy of engagement” (Tsukasa Takamine), Pacific Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 2, summer 2006, University of British Columbia.
Marie Söderberg, “Political turning points – rhetorical analyses of Japanese inauguration speeches”, ACTA Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2002 (Pia Moberg), Orientaliska Studier, Akademitryck AB, Edsbruk, 2003.
Marie Söderberg, “Japan and Greater China, political economy and military power in the Asian Century” (Greg Austin/Stuart Harris), China Review International, Hawai, 2003.
Marie Söderberg, “Japan’s economic diplomacy with China 1945–1978”, (Yoshihide Soeya), Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2002, Oxford University Press.
Ulla Frisk, Staffan Lindström, Eiko Norlander and Marie Söderberg, Omatsus äventyr, Lund: Ellerströms förlag, 2006 (130 pages). (This is a commented translation of a series novel published in Japanese newspapers at the end of the 19th century)
子どもと若者向けの日本をテーマにした2冊の書籍(Esselte Studiumから出版)
• Chairman of the Executive Committee of EJARN (European–Japan Advanced Research Network)
• Member of the Foreign Policy Association (Utrikespolitiska samfundet)
• Chairperson of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs
• Chairperson of the Board of the Scholarship Foundation for Studies of Japanese Society
• Member of the editorial board of the journal ‘Il Politico’ published at the University of Pavia in Italy.
• Member of the board at the Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies at Lund University
・Senior editor of the European Institute of Japanese Studies, East Asian Economics and Business Studies
Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendation for FY 2015