


We have received messages from ex-participants of JICA Knowledge Co-creation Program (training program) in Obihiro, currently struggling with difficulties of COVID-19 in their own countries! Here is a message from Fayadh san, Comoros.


【画像】コモロからJICA長期研修・ABEイニシアティブプログラムに参加した、ファヤッド アブドゥヌルゥです。帯広畜産大学大学院に2019年4月から2021年3月まで在籍し、獣医生命科学分野で修士号を取得しました。





Thank you for studying abroad life in Japan

【画像】My name is Fayadh Abdounourou from Comoros and I was a long-term JICA participant doing a master in veterinary life science.
I was enrolled at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine from April 2019-March 2021 and took a master degree.

My research period coincided with the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic and it was a big challenge. I could not go around Hokkaido prefecture to collect fish samples for my experiments.
Therefore, I had to change my research work topic to hand contamination from hand sanitizer and I collected them from the University. Fortunately, my professor was very flexible, and with her support, I finished my research within the recommended time.

After my graduation, I had a great opportunity to extend my internship for three further months at an agriculture company (Excel Agri) in Ichinomiya, Aichi prefecture, focusing on rice production and growing three varieties of strawberry under greenhouses such as Tochiotome, Akihime and Koiminori.
During my internship period, I got my first experience in the agriculture area, I experienced the Japanese business culture and working ethic.

My social life was very good because I had the great opportunity to interact with my Japanese friends mainly from the Obihiro University horse club where I was the first foreign member, I passed a memorable time with them and they used to take me out for relaxation. Being with them I really touched the Japanese hospitality and culture.

From my life and study experience in Japan, I strongly recommend others to consider Japan as the first place to study. It is also a place where the culture is considered in the first place, a safe and peaceful country with a good environment for living.