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We have received messages from ex-participants who participated in JICA KCCP (training program) in Obihiro, and are now struggling with difficulties of COVID-19 in their own countries! We will introduce each one in a series; here is a message from Benedicto san, Uganda.
(English follows Japanese.)





私が所属した帯広畜産大学原虫病研究センターは、国際機関OIE「国際獣疫事務局(World Organization for Animal Health)」コラボレーティングセンターに指定され、設備の優れた実験室を備えており、私はそこで高度な分子的研究分野の知見を得ることができました。それだけでなく、日本での留学生活やインターンシップを通じ、日本におけるビジネスのあり方や企業開発、組織的リーダーシップ、研究者育成や企業研究、社会的な教養など、数多くの経験を得ることができました。





My Student Life Experience in Japan Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic

"COVID-19 has totally changed the face of the world and with remain a global topic for centuries to come.

ーA golden opportunity comesー
It was 2017.08.25 when I left Uganda for Japan to study a Master’s Program of Animal Science and Agriculture. I had spent 4 years working in Uganda’s Veterinary Pharmaceutical sector, holding sales, marketing, and veterinary extension roles. The excitement was high at the moment for having scooped such a golden opportunity to study in a highly industrialized country like Japan whose economy size ranks 3rd globally just behind USA and China.

ーLeaving for Japanー
From the sendoff ceremony at the Japan embassy in Uganda to an amazingly big welcome ceremony that was organized by JICA in Japan to welcome us all, the 279 ABE Initiative scholarship participants from 46 African countries. The “Master's Degree and Internship Program of the African Business Education for Youth (ABE Initiative)” scholarship supports young personnel who can be navigator for contributing to the development of industries in Africa, creating networking opportunities between fellow African students as well as with Japanese business companies and institutions among others.


ーStudying in Japan experiencesー
I was accepted at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine located in Hokkaido prefecture, the coldest part of Japan. Obihiro University is located in Tokachi district (aka, the food basket of Japan) an area with a food self-sufficiency of 1,240%. There was a lot to learn from this area regarding modern farming. Obihiro University is well facilitated and has an OIE reference Centre. I acquired technical knowledge in molecular studies from the highly facilitated laboratories. Other experiences included business education, internship at Japanese research and development company, organizations’ leadership roles and socio-cultural experiences.


ーCoronavirus comes inー
Although my graduation was scheduled for 2020.03.19 and return to Uganda on 2020.03.26, this was impossible due to the COVID-19 outbreak that had first been identified in 2019. Dec, in Wuhan China, which rapidly extended its impact to Japan as well. Japan recorded its first case of COVID-19 on 2020.01.15. By March 19, Japan had about 900 COVID-19 cases and 33 death. It was so evident that mass gatherings like graduation ceremonies, conferences, sports events and parties etc. would be cancelled immediately countrywide in order to control the spread of the virus. Due to cancellation of the graduation ceremony, the University president’s congratulatory address was distributed on the University website and the graduands’ diplomas were handed over individually.

ーThe virus affects my return to Ugandaー
Meanwhile the virus was spreading so fast across all continents with the first case reported in Africa on 2020.02.14 and in Uganda on 2020.03.22. Meanwhile the Ugandan president had already declared a nationwide lockdown and night curfews including suspension of all commercial flights to and from Uganda. I was thus unable to return to Uganda at that moment.

ーLife after graduation in Japanー
I was very lucky to be under the JICA scholarship because they continued to support me during this period until my return to Uganda, 5 months after graduation! Between March and April, Ugandan media houses, CNN and BBC Africa among others media, featured stories on how Ugandans and other African students were stranded and being thrown out of houses in China. I was very sad, but counted myself lucky to be in Japan. Japan instead declared a cash support and VISA extensions for all registered residents in Japan including foreigners living in Japan! I realized Japan is a special nation and unique. I stayed in the JICA Obihiro Centre, with other colleagues from other countries and had great fun together. Life was actually very normal and peaceful in the JICA Centre and I used this opportunity to finish two academic manuscripts that have already been submitted to journals awaiting publication.


ーReturning home opportunity comesー
After waiting for 5 months, there came an opportunity of a UN WFP chartered flight to Uganda scheduled for 2020.08.08. I was among the lucky few to secure a ticket on this flight, assisted by JICA. We met all the desired protocols and set off from Japan on 2020.08.06. On our way back it was unbelievable to see some of Asia’s and world’s busiest airports like Haneda, Narita and Incheon airports, all of them with almost empty lounges. This observation sent me thinking of the danger that could befall the global economy in the near future! These airports have an average daily passenger traffic of about 200,000 in normal business days. We arrived at Entebbe airport Uganda on 2020.08.08, which was also empty. From the airport, we were led by the Uganda Mistry of Health team to the already reserved 14-days quarantine hotel. Life in my Uganda quarantine hotel was also normal and I had an opportunity to write some reports and make journal reviews to my papers. I finally joined my family on 2020.08.22. COVID-19 has totally changed the face of the world and with remain a global topic for centuries to come. Here back in Uganda in Africa amidst COVID-19. I have been debating for Uganda and Africa at large. Warm greetings to you all our brothers and sisters in Japan and all across Africa and beyond.


今回ご紹介したウガンダのベネディクトさんのほか、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大という困難の中で、日本での滞在の延長を余儀なくされた研修員たちのメッセージを「Thanks JICA!帰国研修員からのメッセージ」と題し、JICA北海道(帯広)公式フェイスブックにて連載しています。


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