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【研修コース】帰国研修員からのメッセージ ―日本での留学生活を終えて―



We have received messages from ex-participants of JICA KCCP (training program) in Obihiro!
We will introduce each one in a series; here is a message from Mr. Sabastian Ireri, Kenya.
(English follows Japanese.)







My Students Life Experience in Japan

Sabastian Ireri Story between December 2020 to June 2023.

I arrived in Japan on 4th December 2020 amidst COVID-19 pandemic. I proceeded to JICA Tsukuba center for quarantine for 14 days. Later I joined Hokkaido on 19th December 2020 for my master’s course at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (OUAVM), under the ABE Initiative. The ABE scholarship is a program by JICA for young Africa students to study master's degree and Internship Program as they get practical skills for them to help development of industries in Africa and help Japanese company to get market for their products.

Prior to my academic journey in Japan, I was working as a regional engineer in lower eastern region, under ministry of Agriculture and livestock development, under National government. Also, I worked under county government of Tharaka Nithi as county assistant engineer as well as JICA Kenya as project assistant under the Water management and Irrigation section. I have a bachelor degree in agricultural engineering from Egerton University. The reason why I selected Japan as my study destination it was after working with JICA Kenya, where I used to interact with Japanese Expert who gave me a lot of insight about Japan and the education system.

Having never traveled to a country with different seasons again like how I found Japan, the first Winter was quite challenging for me. Although, through help of Kenyans in Obihiro and other international students I was able to equip myself with winter wears. Another major challenge was the COVID-19 that led numerous closures of the University to prevent continuous spread of the disease. Although I was able tour different prefecture around Japan like Kagoshima, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo and Nagano, it was not easy due to COVID regulations.

Obihiro still remains my second home due to many friends that I made while studying and during curricular activities that I actively participated. I hereby welcome all to Kenya and witness our culture and beautiful scenarios around.
Thank you so much.
Yoroshiku Onegai Shimusu.






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