【研修コース】帰国研修員からのメッセージ ―日本での留学生活を終えて―



2023年9月まで JICA北海道(帯広)の長期研修員として帯広畜産大学に留学していたパラグアイのガブリエラさんからのメッセージが届きました!
We have received a message from Ms. Gabriela, a Paraguayan ex-participant of JICA KCCP (long-term training program) who had studied at Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine until September 2023. (The original English text follows Japanese one.)












My Student Experience in Japan by Ms.Gabriela

My name is María Gabriela Quintana Ovelar, I am 44 years old, and I am a veterinarian. I am from Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, but I live in a city called Lambare, at outside of the capital city, with my family: My husband, Jose, my daughters, Valentina (21), Lucia (18), and Mauricio (11 years old), two dogs and two cats.
I have graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the National University of Asunción in 2006. In 2007, I joined as a permanent official of the National Service of Quality and Animal Health of my country, a government institution in charge of controlling all animal health in my country, of animals and their derived products, destined for human consumption and international trade, where since the beginning, I have worked as a veterinary professional, head of the Foot and Mouth Disease area, and Coordinator of Differential Diseases of Foot and Mouth Disease, in the successive years, respectively, until 2021.
At the end of 2020, I have received the notification for a scholarship granted by JICA, through the Agricultural Studies Networks Program (Agri-Net) to pursue a Master's degree in Japan, and I went through the necessary procedures to apply for said scholarship, despite being at the age limit, but I was able to obtain it satisfactorily, for a Master's degree in Veterinary Life Sciences at the Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, in Hokkaido, Japan.
Classes were supposed to start in October 2021, but due to Covid-19 restrictions, my trip was postponed several times, and Japan even closed its borders in December of that year, so I had started through online classes . Finally, I arrived in Tokyo on February 25th, 2022, and then traveled to Obihiro, arriving on March 5. The first sight I had of Obihiro from the plane was a beautiful landscape covered in white snow, and I remember it snowed a lot that day.
My country is warm most of the year, there is practically no winter, except for cool temperatures between May and July that reach 5or 6°C, as minimum, and for me, a person who doesn't tolerate heat very well, arriving in Obihiro with that climate felt like paradise.

Thanks to the JICA staff, I was able to make all the necessary arrangements to start my life as a student in Obihiro, which made my stay very comfortable. I went to visit the University, and the building where I was going to have most of my classes, and where I was going to do my laboratory work. I met my professor, Eiki Yamasaki, whom I respect a lot, my laboratory mates, who showed me around the lab, and accompanied me throughout my studies and my daily life at the University.
At first, it was a bit difficult for me to adapt to the difference between Latin culture and Japanese customs, as a Latin person, is usual for us to greeting very effusively, with hugs and even kisses on the cheek; at first, I used to greet people I passed by at the university with a wave of my hand, but when I didn't get a response, I stopped doing it. But once we got to know each other, and managed to gain some trust, I was able to make several Japanese friends, wonderful people with whom I keep in touch until now.
Also, I had the opportunity to meet great people from other countries, such as Myanmar, Thailand, Mozambique, Iran, Indonesia, China, with whom I made nice friendships, and also, met colleagues from my country, with whom we made many memories together.
Most of my days, were I spent in the laboratory, my study was involved determining a parameter for the validation of a technique for detecting the gene of a bacteria in food, to be validated according to international standards.
In my free time, I use to go out for long walks or bike rides, practiced some sports, for example, Tennipon, and even skiing in winter. I used to went out with my friends by bus to explore places in Obihiro, or by car to know to other places in Hokkaido. I participated in several activities organized by JICA and TIRC, such as the tea ceremony, learned the art of shodo, as well as other cultural exchange activities.
During vacation or holidays, I visited places like Sapporo, Otaru, Kushiro, Arashiyama, Furano, and got to know big cities like Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Nara, and Osaka.

Experience Japanese tradition

At the closing ceremony

Graduation day with friends

Good luck and see you again!


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