サキコ・フクダ・パー FUKUDA-PARR, Sakiko



MA, University of Sussex. UK. (Economics)
MA, MALD The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA (International Development)
BA (Hons), Cambridge University, UK (Social and Political Sciences)


2006 – present Professor, Graduate Program in International Affairs, The New School; chair of Development Concentration
2004 - 06 Research Fellow, Belfer Center for Science, Technology and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
1995-2004 Director and lead author, Human Development Report, UNDP 1980-1994 Assignments UNDP - Chief of West Africa Division; Principal Economist Africa Region; Deputy Resident Representative Burundi; Technical Adviser
1976 – 79: Economist, Agriculture and Rural Development Projects, Europe, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank.


2015 Fulfilling Economic and Social Right (with Terra Lawson Remer and Susan Randolph) New York: OUP

2015 MDGs, Capabilities and Human Rights: The Power of Numbers to Shape Agendas. (coedited with A. Yamin). London:Routledge

2015 Post 2015: A New Era of Accountability? (with Desmond McNeill) Journal of Global Ethics, v.11, issue 1

2014 Global Governance for Health: Political origins of health inequalities , The Lancet 383:9917 p 630-667 (with Ole Peter Ottersen et al) Report of the University of Oslo/the Lancet Commission on Global Governance for Health, London


Vice Chair, Committee on Development Policy, a body of the United Nations Economic and Social Council; Member, The Lancet University of Oslo Panel on Global Governance for Health