- 研究領域
- 地球環境
- 研究期間
- 2015年07月02日 から 2020年03月31日
- 主査
- 上條 哲也
Decision Factors and Benchmarks of EIA Report Quality for Japan’s Cooperation Projects
No.203 Prospects of Integrating Biodiversity Offsets in Japan’s Cooperation Projects: A Review of Experience from Developing Countries
No.183 Determinants of the EIA Report Quality for Development Cooperation Projects: Effects of Alternatives and Public Involvement
No.177 Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation Projects through the Application of Mitigation Hierarchy and Green Infrastructure Approaches
環境アセスメント報告書の質の向上 —代替案協議と環境社会配慮意識の向上
Enhancing the discussion of alternatives in EIA using principle component analysis leads to improved public involvement
No.144 Focusing on the Quality of EIS to Solve the Constraints on EIA Systems in Developing Countries: A Literature Review
Improving the quality of environmental impacts assessment reports: effectiveness of alternatives analysis and public involvement in JICA supported projects
No.111 A Quantitative Text Analysis of the Minutes from the Meetings in Public Involvement: A Case of a Bridge Project in Cambodia
No.108 A Verification of the Effectiveness of Alternatives Analysis and Public Involvement on the Quality of JICA Environmental and Social Consideration Reports
A Verification of Alternative Assessment using Principal Component Analysis based on Case Studies of the Japan International Cooperation Agency