貝塚 ジェームズ KAIZUKA, James
- 研究分野・主な研究領域
- 援助と民主主義、日本の外交政策における援助、援助と安全保障、日本によるベトナム援助
James Kaizuka (0000-0001-8397-0843) - ORCID
2024年1月 リーズ大学大学院 東アジア学部 言語・文化・社会学科 博士課程修了
2019年10月 リーズ大学大学院 東アジア学部 言語・文化・社会学科 修士課程修了(東アジア文化社会学)
2018年7月 リーズ大学 東アジア学部 アジア太平洋研究 卒
2022年-2023年 リーズ大学 政治国際研究学科 核兵器とグローバル政治、セミナー講師
2022年 リーズ大学 東アジア学部 Japanese Development Assistance in a Globalizing World、講師
2021年 リーズ大学 政治国際研究学科 現代中国政治、セミナー講師
・Kaizuka, James (2023) Institutional Accord in Japanese Diplomatic Policymaking: Vicious and Virtuous Cycles in North Korea and Vietnam. PhD thesis, University of Leeds. https://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/id/oai_id/oai:etheses.whiterose.ac.uk:34276
・Kaizuka, James. 2021. Even Electric Trains Use Coal: Fixed and Relative Costs, Hidden Factors and Income Inequality in HSR Projects with Reference to Vietnam’s North–South Express Railway. Sustainability. 13 (24). Available from: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/24/13563
Advance HE/Higher Education Academy (UK, Fellow)
International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
・Kaizuka, J. February 27th, 2024. “Whatever it takes?” Securing the Return of Japanese Nationals Abducted by North Korea. 9DashLine. Available from: 9DASHLINE — “Whatever it takes”? Securing the return of Japanese nationals abducted by North Korea
・Kaizuka, J. February 22nd, 2024. Where Others Dither, Japan Delivers on Aid to Ukraine. The Diplomat and The Japan Times. Available from: https://thediplomat.com/2024/02/where-others-dither-japan-delivers-on-aid-to-ukraine/ and https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2024/02/23/japan/japan-ukraine-aid/
・(Invited) Kaizuka, J. February 6th, 2024. US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation: Overcoming the Populist Threat. 9DashLine. Available from: https://www.9dashline.com/article/us-japan-south-korea-trilateral-cooperation-overcoming-the-populist-threat
・Kaizuka, J. December 23rd, 2023. Japan-South Korea Cooperation: Strength in Unity, Danger in Division. The Diplomat. Available from: https://thediplomat.com/2023/12/japan-south-korea-cooperation-strength-in-unity-danger-in-division/
・Kaizuka, J. June 14th, 2023. Japan’s 2023 Development Cooperation Charter: The Aid-Security Nexus. The Diplomat. Available from: https://thediplomat.com/2023/06/japans-2023-development-cooperation-charter-the-aid-security-nexus/
・Conference Presentation: Sinking in the Hooks: Technical Standards and De Facto Aid Tying in ODA Infrastructure Projects: DOI:10.22492
・Kaizuka, J. May 8th 2023. Japan and NATO: An Inevitable Partnership? The Diplomat. Available from: https://thediplomat.com/2023/05/japan-and-nato-an-inevitable-partnership/
・Kaizuka, J. April 11th, 2023. Japan’s Official Security Assistance: The Sleeping Giant Stirs? The Diplomat. Available from: https://thediplomat.com/2023/04/japans-official-security-assistance-the-sleeping-giant-stirs/