サブサハラ・アフリカにおける米生産拡大の実証分析2008年5月のTICAD Ⅳ(アフリカ開発会議)において打ち出された「アフリカ稲作振興のための共同体」(CARD)イニシアティブは、アフリカにおける主要消費作物の一つであるコメの中期的な生産拡大を通じて中長期的な食糧問題の改善、および農村地域の振興と貧困削減に資することを目的としたものです。本研究においては、CARDイニシアティブが、コメの生産性向上や貧困削減にどのように貢献したかを実証分析し、農業技術や普及活動への示唆を得ることを目的とします。タンザニア、モザンビーク、ウガンダ、ガーナ、セネガルを対象としました。
- 研究領域
- 経済成長と貧困削減
- 研究期間
- 2009年04月01日 から 2014年08月31日
- 主査
- 大塚 啓二郎
- 関連地域
- 連携機関
No.226 The Importance of Farm Management Training for the African Rice Green Revolution: Experimental Evidence from Rainfed Lowland Areas in Mozambique
No.220 An Inquiry into the Process of Upgrading Rice Milling Service: The Case of Mwea Irrigation Scheme in Kenya
No.200 Economic Viability of Large-scale Irrigation Construction in 21st Century Sub-Saharan Africa: Centering around an Estimation of the Construction Costs of the Mwea Irrigation Scheme in Kenya
No.196 Technology Adoption, Impact, and Extension in Developing Countries’ Agriculture: A Review of the Recent Literature
No.193 The Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Technology Adoption and Productivity: Evidence from Randomized Control Trial in Tanzania
No.174 Spillovers as a Driver to Reduce Ex-post Inequality Generated by Randomized Experiments: Evidence from an Agricultural Training Intervention
No.161 Long-term and Spillover Effects of Rice Production Training in Uganda
No.157 Contract Farming, Farm Mechanization, and Agricultural Intensification: The Case of Rice Farming in Cote d’Ivoire
No.86 Constraints on Rice Sector Development in Mozambique
No.80 Enhancing Rice Production in Uganda: Impact Evaluation of a Training Program and Guidebook Distribution in Uganda
No.71 To What Extent Does the Adoption of Modern Variety Increase Productivity and Income? A Case Study of the Rice Sector in Tanzania
The Coalition for African Rice Development Progress in 2008-2013
No.61 Extensification and Intensification Process of Rainfed Lowland Rice Farming in Mozambique
No.58 The Determinants of Technology Adoption:The Case of the Rice Sector in Tanzania
No.49 Expansion of Lowland Rice Production and Constraints on a Rice Green Revolution: Evidence from Uganda
No.25 On the Possibility of a Lowland Rice Green Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from the Sustainable Irrigated Agricultural Development (SIAD) Project in Eastern Uganda