フィリピンとタジキスタンの家計における海外送金に関する研究途上国への海外送金の流入は2013年以降4000億ドルを超え、人の移動と送金(Migration and remittances)による出身国・地域の成長や開発に対する注目が高まっています。本研究は、海外出稼ぎ労働者とその出身家計の経済活動・行動様式について、聞き取り調査を中心としたデータ収集を通じて、海外送金が与える影響を多面的に分析し、海外送金を地域の成長や開発に役立てようとしている途上国の政策立案に資することを目的としています。
No.26 How Mental Accounting, and Financial Literacy Shape the Financial Situation of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs): A Multinomial Logistic Regression Study
Can Vaccination Incentives Backfire? Experimental Evidence That Offering Cash Incentives Can Reduce Vaccination Intentions in Some Contexts
Long-term Consequences of Civil War in Tajikistan: The Gendered Impact on Education and Labor Market Outcomes
Transformation of International Migrants in Head Wind: Evidence From Tajikistan in the 2010s
The COVID 19 Pandemic, Daily Mobility, and Household Welfare: Evidence From Tajikistan
Immediate Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Household Economic Activities and Food Security in Tajikistan
Resilience Against the Pandemic: The Impact of COVID-19 on Migration and Household Welfare in Tajikistan
No.218 Resilience against the Pandemic: the Impact of COVID-19 on Migration and Household Welfare in Tajikistan
The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Labor Supply in Tajikistan
Projection of the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Welfare of Remittance-Dependent Households in the Philippines
Remittances, Household Welfare and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tajikistan
The COVID-19 Pandemic, Remittances and Financial Inclusion in the Philippines
No.213 The Local Economic Competitiveness of Rural Hometowns for Overseas Remittances-Induced Investments: Two Case Studies from the Philippines
The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Welfare of Remittance-Dependent Households in the Philippines
Migration, Living Conditions, and Skills: A Panel Study - Tajikistan, 2018
No.209 Remittance Investment Climate Analysis: Framework and Methods to Ascertain the Local Development Potential of Overseas Remittances
No.181 The Impact of Migration and Remittances on Labor Supply in Tajikistan