No.16 Measuring Interregional Fund Flows in a Dollarized Economy: Evidence from Branch-level Data of Deposits and Loans in Cambodia
『Cambodian Dollarization: Its Policy Implications for LDCs’ Financial Development』
No.8 Deposit Dollarization and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from a Household Survey in Cambodia
Bank Dependency on Foreign Funding and Global Liquidity Shocks: The Importance of US Monetary Policy for a Developing Country
The Cost Efficiency of Cambodian Commercial Banks: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis
No.214 Monetary Policy Spillover Into a Developing Country When the US Federal Fund Rate Rises: Evidence on a Bank Lending Channel
No.197 Payment Dollarization and Foreign Exchange Market Development in Cambodia: The Role of Money Changers
No.185 Currency Choice in Domestic Transactions by Cambodian Households: The Importance of Transaction Size and Network Externalities
No.160 Determinants of Firms’ Capital Structure Decisions in Highly Dollarized Economies: Evidence from Cambodia
No.143 Foreign Currency Borrowing and Risk-Hedging Behavior: Evidence from a Household Survey in Cambodia
カンボジアのドル化の全体像—ドル化に一体化した金融発展(『アジア研究』65巻1号 p.96-111)
Is Dollarization a Problem in the Cambodian Microfinance Sector?(『アジア研究』65巻1号 p.45-60)
Dollarization in Cambodia: A Review of Recent Empirical Findings from a Nation-Wide Survey (『アジア研究』65巻1号 p.24-44)
Capital structure decisions in a highly dollarized economy: Evidence from Cambodian firms (Journal of Asian Economics, Volume58, Pages 1-18)
Foreign currency borrowing and risk-hedging behavior: Evidence from Cambodian households (Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 58, Pages 19-35)
カンボジアにおける企業の銀行借入比率の決定要因—ドル化経済における借入通貨制約 (『アジア研究』64巻2号 p.1-20)
カンボジアの脱ドル化特集のねらい:NBC・JICA共同調査の背景と各論の要約(『一橋経済学』10巻2号 p.1-8)
Foreign Currency Usage and Perception: Evidence from a Survey on Cambodian Households(『一橋経済学』10巻2号 p.9-48)
Dollarization and Enterprise's Behaviors: The Case of Cambodia(『一橋経済学』10巻2号 p.49-80)
Financial Dollarization: Evidence from a Survey on Branches of Cambodian Financial Institutions(『一橋経済学』10巻2号 p.81-116)
Policy Implications(『一橋経済学』10巻2号 p.117-128)
政策提言の背景について(『一橋経済学』10巻2号 p.129-135)