相場 大樹 AIBA, Daiju
- 研究分野・主な研究領域
- 開発経済学、金融包摂、家計金融、企業金融論、銀行論、応用計量経済学
- 関連研究プロジェクト
2017年7月 博士号取得(経済学)
2017年7月 一橋大学大学院経済学研究科博士課程修了
2014年3月 一橋大学大学院経済学研究科修士課程修了
2012年3月 上智大学経済学部経済学科卒
2023年4月-現在 カンボジア国立銀行 JICA専門家
2022年9月-2023年3月 早稲田大学商学部 専任講師(助教授)
2022年9月-現在 JICA緒方貞子平和開発研究所 客員研究員
2017年8月-2022年8月 JICA研究所(現 JICA 緒方貞子平和開発研究所) 研究員
2016年4月-2017年7月 学術振興会 特別研究員(DC2)
2014年4月-2016年3月 JICA研究所 研究助手
2014年2月-2016年3月 一橋大学森有礼高等教育流動化センター 研究助手
2022年9月-2022年3月 早稲田大学大学院 商学研究科(計量経済学、統計学)
2020年4月-2022年3月 東洋大学 国際経済学部(ミクロ経済学)
2019年4月-2019年8月 静岡県立大学 国際関係学部(国際金融論 )
2017年4月-2019年3月 上智大学 経済学部(産業組織論Ⅰ・Ⅱ)
2023年10月ー現在、セーフ・ファイナンス中央委員会(カンボジア) 招待委員
Aiba, Daiju & You, Vithyea (forthcoming) "Measuring Interregional Fund Flows in a Dollarized Economy: Evidence from Branch-level Data of Deposits and Loans in Cambodia" Asian Development Review
Khou, Vouthy, Daiju Aiba & Ken Odajima (2023) "Dollarization in Households," in Hidenobu Okuda, & Serey Chea (Ed.) Cambodian Dollarization: Its Policy Implications for LDCs’ Financial Development, pp.38-68.
Sok Heng Lay, & Daiju Aiba (2023) "Enterprise and Dollarization," in Hidenobu Okuda, & Serey Chea (Ed.) Cambodian Dollarization: Its Policy Implications for LDCs’ Financial Development, pp. 69-104.
Aiba, Daiju & Sovanney Chey(2023) "Dollarization and Financial Institutions ," in Hidenobu Okuda, & Serey Chea (Ed.) Cambodian Dollarization: Its Policy Implications for LDCs’ Financial Development, pp.105-133.
Sovannroeun Samreth, Daiju Aiba, Sothearoath Oeur, Vanndy Va (2023) "Impact of the Interest Rate Ceiling on Credit Cost, Loan Size, and Informal Credit in the Microfinance Sector: Evidence from a Household Survey in Cambodia" Empirial Economics.
Aiba, Daiju (2023) "Bank dependency on foreign funding and global liquidity shocks: The importance of US monetary policy for a developing country." Journal of Asian Economics, 84, 101553.
Aiba, Daiju & Hidenobu Okuda (2021) "The Cost Efficiency of Cambodian Commercial Banks: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis ." Singapore Economic Review
相場大樹 (2021) 「カンボジアにおける世界初のデジタル通貨導入戦略」 、『外交』、Vol. 65、p.122-128、外務省
Aiba, Daiju & Lam, Roviey (2019). Is Dollarization a Problem in the Cambodian Microfinance Sector? Asian Studies (アジア研究), 65(1), pp. 45-60.
Odajima, Ken & Aiba, Daiju (2019). Dollarization in Cambodia: A Review of Recent Empirical Findings from a Nation-Wide Survey. Asian Studies (アジア研究) , 65(1), pp. 24-44.
Okuda, H., & Aiba, D. (2018). Capital structure decisions in a highly dollarized economy: Evidence from Cambodian firms . Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 58, Pages 1-18.
Aiba, Daiju, Ken Odajima, & Khou Vouthy (2018). Foreign currency borrowing and risk-hedging behavior: Evidence from Cambodian households . Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 58, Pages 19-35.
奥田英信, & 相場大樹. (2018).「ドル化経済における企業の資金調達: カンボジアの事例.」 『アジア研究』Vol.64(2), 1-20.
Aiba, Daiju, & Pagna Sok. (2017). Financial Dollarization: Evidence from a Survey on Branches of Cambodian Financial Institutions . Hitotsubashi Economics, 10(2), 81-116.
Aiba, Daiju, & Ranareth Tha. (2017). Dollarization and Enterprise's Behaviors: The Case of Cambodia . Hitotsubashi Economics, 10(2), 49-80.
Kato, N., & Aiba, D. (2017). Relationship between Subject-Specific and Generic Competencies: Evidence from a Survey on Japanese Universities . Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 17(9), 41-49.
Okuda, Hidenobu, & Daiju Aiba. (2016). Determinants of Operational Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity Change of Major Cambodian Financial Institutions: A Data Envelopment Analysis During 2006–13 . Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 52(6), 1455-1471.
Okuda, Hidenobu, Chea Poleng, & Daiju Aiba. (2014). Operational Efficiency and Productivity Change of Major Cambodian Financial Institutions During the 2006-2011 Period , International Journal of Business and Information, 9(3), 335.
Daiju Aiba, Sovannroeun Samreth, Sothearoath Oeur and Vanndy Vat (2020) “ The Impact of Interest Rate Cap Policy on the Lending Behavior of Microfinance Institutions in Cambodia: Evidence from millions of observations in the Credit Registry Database ” Discussion Paper SU-RCSDEA 2020-008, Japan: Saitma University
Sovannroeun Samreth, Daiju Aiba, Sothearoath Oeur and Vanndy Vat (2020) “ Impacts of Interest Rate Ceiling on Microfinance Sector in Cambodia: Evidence from a Household Survey ” Discussion Paper SU-RCSDEA 2020-007, Japan: Saitma University
Okuda, H., & Aiba, D. (2018). Determinants of Firms’ Capital Structure Decisions in Highly Dollarized Economies: Evidence from Cambodia . JICA-RI Working Paper Series No. 160, Tokyo.
Aiba, Daiju, Ken Odajima, & Khou Vouthy. (2017) Foreign Currency Borrowing and Risk-Hedging Behavior: Evidence from a Household Survey in Cambodia . JICA-RI Working Paper Series No. 143, Tokyo.
奥田英信, & 相場大樹. (2016). ドル化経済における企業の資金調達: カンボジアの事例. Discussion Paper. No. 2016-08,Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University.
Maki Kato, Daiju Aiba (2016) Relationship between Subject-specific and Generic Competencies: Evidence from a Survey on Japanese Universities, Mori Arinori Center for High Education and Global Mobility Working Paper; No. WP2016-01
Aiba, Daiju. “Bank Lending Channel and International Capital Flows into a Banking Sector in a Dollarized Economy”, The 16th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, October 27-28, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.
Aiba, Daiju. “The role of regulation in financial inclusion: The case of a lending restriction on microfinance institutions”, 2018年度秋季日本金融学会, 2018年10月20-21日, 名古屋市立大学.
Okuda, H., & Aiba, Daiju. (April 12, 2018). Capital Structure Decisions in a Highly Dollarized Economy: Evidence from Cambodian Firms, The XI April International Academic Conference on Economics and Social Development, Moscow, Russia.
Aiba, Daiju, Odajima, Ken. (June 10, 2017) Foreign Currency Borrowing: Evidence from Household Survey, The Second World Congress of Comparative Economics, June 15-17, 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Okuda, H., & Aiba, Daiju. (November 2016). Determinants of Capital Structure of Cambodian Firms: Firms’ Fund Raising Behavior in Highly Dollarized Emerging Markets, the 15th EAEA International Convention, Bandung, Indonesia.
奥田英信 & 相場大樹「カンボジア商業銀行の経営効率-確率的フロンティア分析-」2016年日本金融学会秋季大会, 2016年10月,関西大学.
Aiba, Daiju, Odajima, Ken. (January 2016) Foreign Currency Borrowing: Evidence from Household Survey, The 12th International Conference of Western Economic Association International, Singapore.
奥田英信, & 相場大樹「ドル化経済における企業の資金調達行動:カンボジア大規模アンケート調査」, 2015年日本金融学会秋季大会, 2015年10月, 東北大学.
Okuda, Hidenobu, & Aiba Daiju (November 2014) Determinants of Efficiency of Cambodian Commercial Banks: A New Technique of Bootstrapping Estimation Using Data Envelopment Analysis, The 14th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, Bangkok, Thailand.
East Asian Economic Association
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)「カンボジアにおけるマイクロファイナンス機関の買収が金融包摂へ与える影響の分析」No. 22K01514, 2022-2024年, プロジェクトリーダー
科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)「カンボジアのマイクロファイナンス機関の規制とその貧困削減および収益性への影響の分析」No. 18K01641, 2018-2021年, プロジェクトリーダー
Aiba, Daiju (2017) Essays on Emerging Issues in Financial Development of a Developing Country: The Case of Cambodia.