丸山 隆央 MARUYAMA, Takao

【写真】丸山 隆央


国際基督教大学 教養学士取得(2002年3月)
法政大学経済学研究科 経済学修士取得(2016年3月)
一橋大学 博士号(経済学)取得(2022年3月)


2022年7月~ JICA緒方研究所
2019年7月~2022年6月 広島大学大学院 人間社会科学研究科 国際教育開発プログラム, 特任准教授
2019年4月~2019年6月 JICA人間開発部, 基礎教育第二チーム 主任調査役
2018年8月~2019年3月 教育のためのグローバルパートナーシップ事務局出向 教育専門官
2016年4月~2018年8月 JICA人間開発部, 基礎教育第二チーム 主任調査役
2014年3月~2016年3月 JICA資金協力業務部, 実施監理第二チーム 主任調査役
2012年7月~2014年2月 JICA横浜 市民参加協力担当
2009年2月~2012年6月 JICAセネガル事務所 教育・職業訓練セクター担当
2007年5月~2009年1月 JICAアフリカ部 中西部アフリカ担当
2005年6月~2007年4月 JICA人間開発部, 技術教育・職業訓練セクター担当
2002年4月~2005年6月 JICA入構 青年海外協力隊事務局



Maruyama, Takao and Kengo Igei. Forthcoming. "Community-wide Support for Primary Students to Improve Foundational Literacy and Numeracy: Empirical Evidence from Madagascar ." Economic Development and Cultural Change.

Maruyama, Takao and Takashi Kurosaki. Forthcoming. "Developing Textbooks to Improve Math Learning in Primary Education: Empirical Evidence from El Salvador." Economic Development and Cultural Change.

Maruyama, Takao. 2023. ”Using evidence to improve and scale up development program in education: A case study from India.” World Development Perspectives, Vol. 32: 100542.

Maruyama, Takao, Akiko Kageyama and Nobuhiro Kunieda. 2022. "Region-wide initiative to expand girls’ enrollment in primary education in Niger: A case of collective impact for educational development." International Journal of Educational Development. Vol. 91: 102580.

Maruyama, Takao. 2022. "Strengthening Support of Teachers for Students to Improve Learning Outcomes in Mathematics: Empirical Evidence on a Structured Pedagogy Program in El Salvador." International Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 115: 101977.

Maruyama, Takao and Takashi Kurosaki. 2021. “Do Remedial Activities using Math Workbooks Improve Student Learning? Empirical Evidence from Scaled-up Interventions in Niger.World Development, 148: 105659. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105659


Nikolay Murashkin, and Takao Maruyama. 2024. "Mapping JICA-supported Works on Japan’s Development Experience in Development Studies: Their Particularities and Potentials. " JICA Ogata Research Institute Discussion Paper, No. 19.

Maruyama, Takao and Kengo Igei. 2023b. "Developing Collective Impact to Improve Foundational Learning: Evidence from Madagascar After the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock ." JICA Ogata Research Institute Discussion Paper, No. 15.

Maruyama, Takao and Kengo Igei. 2023a. "Scaling up Interventions to Improve Basic Reading: Evidence from Madagascar after the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock on Education." JICA Ogata Research Institute Discussion Paper, No. 4.

Maruyama, Takao and Igei Kengo. 2022. "Community-Wide Support for Primary Students to Improve Basic Reading and Math Learning: Empirical Evidence from Madagascar" SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4076787.

Maruyama, Takao and Takashi Kurosaki. 2021. "Developing Textbooks to Improve Student Math Learning: Empirical evidence from El Salvador." JICA Ogata Research Institute Working Paper, No. 217.

Maruyama, Takao. 2021. “Strengthening teacher support for students to learn math better: Empirical evidence on a structured pedagogy programme in El Salvador. JICA Ogata Research Institute Working Paper, No. 222.

丸山隆央, 影山晃子(2021)「保護者・教員・地域住民間の協働による子どもの学習改善活動を創出・展開する学校運営手法:JICAみんなの学校の手法を事例として」JICA緒方研究所フィールドレポートNo. 6.


Hara, Masahiro, Takao Maruyama, Akiko Kageyama, and Nobuhiro Kunieda. 2020. "Quality Learning through Community-wide Collaboration: A Methodology to Overcome the Learning Crisis in Niger." In M. Nishimura (Ed.), Community participation with schools in developing countries: Towards equitable and inclusive basic education for all. Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity Series. New York & Oxon: Routledge.

Kunieda, Nobuhiro, Takao Maruyama, Akiko Kageyama, and Masahiro Hara. 2020. "Educational Development through Community-wide Collaboration: How to Establish a Sustainable Community-wide Initiative to Improve Education." In M. Nishimura (Ed.). op.cit.


Maruyama, Takao. 2022. Studies on Effective Interventions to Improve Math Learning in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries. Doctoral Dissertation, Hitotsubashi University.







「エビデンスに基づく教育開発援助の展開: インドNGO「Pratham」を事例として」(科研・基盤C)


Maruyama, Takao and Kengo Igei. 2024. "Developing Collective Impact to Improve Foundational Learning: Evidence from Madagascar After the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock." Annual Conference of the Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford, March 17, 2024.

"Using data to improve and expand operations for educational development: An example of Indian NGO Pratham." 日本評価学会大会 2023年12月.

Maruyama, Takao and Kengo Igei. 2023. "Scaling up Interventions to Improve Basic Reading: Evidence from Madagascar after the COVID-19 Pandemic Shock on Education." Pacific Conference for Development Economics (PacDev) 2023, University of Washington, March 17, 2023.

“Dynamic Use of Data and Evidence to Improve and Expand Operations for Educational Development: Case Study of Indian NGO Pratham” 国際開発学会 2021年11月

「ランダム化比較試験を通じた子どもの読み書き・算数改善モデルの構築: インドNGO「Pratham」を事例として」 日本評価学会大会 2020年11月
