- "Impact of a shade coffee certification program on forest conservation:A case study from a wild coffee forest in Ethiopia"(エチオピア)(英文)
- "Impact of Community Management on Forest Protection:Evidence from an Aid-Funded Project in Ethiopia"(エチオピア)(英文)
- "Impact of Farmer Field Schools on Agricultural Income and Skills:Evidence from an Aid-Funded Project in Rural Ethiopia"(エチオピア)(英文)
- "Do Community-Managed Schools Facilitate Social Capital Accumulation? Evidence from the COGES Project in Burkina-Faso"(ブルキナファソ)(英文)
- "Election, Implementation, and Social Capital in School-Based Management: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment on the COGES Project in Burkina Faso"(ブルキナファソ)(英文)
- "Can School-Based Management Generate Community-Wide Impacts in Less Developed Countries? Evidence from Randomized Experiments in Burkina Faso"(ブルキナファソ)(英文)
- "How Can Community Participation Improve Educational Outcomes? Experimental Evidence from a School-Based Management Project in Burkina Faso"(ブルキナファソ)(英文)
- "The Impact of Training on Technology Adoption and Productivity of Rice Farming in Tanzania: Is Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Effective?"(タンザニア)(英文)
- "Enhancing Rice Production in Uganda: Impact Evaluation of a Training Program and Guidebook Distribution in Uganda"(ウガンダ)(英文)
- "Does a Rural Road Improvement Project Contribute to Inclusive Growth? - A Case Study from Bangladesh"(バングラデシュ)(英文)
- "Can Efficient Provision of Business Development Services Bring Better Results for SMEs?: Evidence from a Networking Project in Thailand"(タイ)(英文)
- "Individualized Self-learning Program to Improve Primary Education: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Bangladesh"(バングラデシュ)(英文)
- “Were the Adverse Effects of Disability on Employment Mitigated during 2002-2015 in South Africa?: A Pseudo-Panel Approach”(南アフリカ)(英文)(PDF/654KB)
- Impacts of Kaizen Management on Workers:Evidence from Central America and the Caribbean Region(中南米・カリブ)(英文)
- Heterogeneous Effects of Urban Public Transportation on Employment by Gender:Evidence from the Delhi Metro(インド)(英文)
- Enlightening Communities and Parents for Improving Student Learning Evidence from Randomized Experiment in Niger(ニジェール)(英文)
- Developing Textbooks to Improve Student Math Learning: Empirical Evidence from El Salvador(エルサルバドル)(英文)
- EMBRACE intervention to improve the continuum of care in maternal and newborn health in Ghana: The RE-AIM framework-based evaluation.(ガーナ)(英文)(外部サイト)
- Evaluation of a package of continuum of care interventions for improved maternal, newborn, and child health outcomes and service coverage in Ghana: A cluster-randomized trial.(ガーナ)(英文)(外部サイト)
- Strengthening Teacher Support for Students to Improve Math Learning: Empirical Evidence on a Structured Pedagogy Program in El Salvador(エルサルバドル)(英文)
- "Strengthening the community support group to improve maternal and neonatal health seeking behaviors: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Satkhira District, Bangladesh"(バングラデシュ)(英文)(外部サイト)
- "An impact evaluation of the Safe Motherhood Promotion Project in Bangladesh:Evidence from Japanese aid-funded technical cooperation"(バングラデシュ)(英文)(外部サイト)
- "Is the Maternal and Child Health(MCH)handbook effective in improving health-related behavior? Evidence from Palestine"(パレスチナ)(英文)(外部サイト)
- "Effectiveness of a Mobile Short-Message-Service Based Disease Outbreak Alert System in Kenya"(ケニア)(英文)(外部サイト)
- "Project for Enhancing Access and Capacity of EQUITV Program(EQUITV Phase 2)"(パプアニューギニア)(英文)(PDF/302KB)
- "Evaluating the impact of continuous quality improvement methods at hospitals in Tanzania: a cluster-randomized trial"(タンザニア)(英文)(PDF/266KB)
- "The “5S” approach to improve a working environment can reduce waiting time: findings from hospitals in Northern Tanzania"(タンザニア)(英文)(外部サイト)
- Cost-effectiveness of SMS appointment reminders in increasing vaccination uptake in Lagos, Nigeria:A multi-centered randomized controlled trial(ナイジェリア)(英文)(外部サイト)
- “Effectiveness of the maternal and child health handbook for improving continuum of care and other maternal and child health indicators: A cluster randomized controlled trial in Angola”(アンゴラ)(英文)(外部サイト)
- 「金融包摂を通じたCCT受給世帯の生活改善・生計向上プロジェクト」(ホンジュラス)
- TQMを通じた公共サービス改善プロジェクト(バングラデシュ)
- (和文)(PDF/1.85MB)
- (英文)(PDF/1.75MB)
Behavioral impact of disaster education:Evidence from a dance-based program in Indonesia