jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構 jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構


2024年8月 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科・博士(環境科学)
2002年12月 英国エディンバラ大学・理学修士(生態経済学)
1997年3月 京都大学農学研究科・農学修士(林学専攻)
1994年3月 京都大学農学部林学科・農学士


2022年4月- JICA緒方貞子平和開発研究所 上席研究員
2020年4月-2022年6月  JICA東北センター 次長
2018年4月-2020年3月 World Resources Institute (WRI) シニア・アソシエート
2014年3月-2018年3月 JICA地球環境部気候変動対策室 副室長
1997年4月-  国際協力事業団(現 独立行政法人国際協力機構)



Sato, I., and D. Narita. 2024. “Does expanding wild venison consumption substitute livestock meat consumption? Evidence from the demand systems analysis of meat products in Hokkaido, Japan.” Science of The Total Environment 945, 173980.

Sato, I., and D. Narita. 2023. “Use of Nested Multi-Regional Input–Output Analysis for the Evaluation of Subnational Emission Reduction Policies: A Case of Japanese Prefectures.” Sustainable Production and Consumption 37 (May): 294–305.

Sato, I., and D. Narita. 2022. “Multi-Regional Input–Output Analysis of the Relationship between Environmental Footprints and the Import Dependence of Japanese Prefectures.” Journal of Cleaner Production 379 (December): 134750.

Narita, D., I. Sato, D. Ogawada, and A. Matsumura. 2022. “Evaluating the Robustness of Project Performance under Deep Uncertainty of Climate Change: A Case Study of Irrigation Development in Kenya.” Climate Risk Management 36: 100426.

Narita, D., I. Sato, D. Ogawada, and A. Matsumura. 2020. “Integrating Economic Measures of Adaptation Effectiveness into Climate Change Interventions: A Case Study of Irrigation Development in Mwea, Kenya.” PLOS ONE 15 (12): e0243779.


Swedenborg, E., I. Timboe, D. Hebart-Coleman, M. Kjellen, J. Matthews, K. Davis, N. Stein, and I. Sato. 2022. “NDC Enhancement: Opportunities Through Water.” Working Paper. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute.

Pinchot, A., L. Zhou, G. Christianson, J. McClamrock, and I. Sato. 2021. “Assessing Physical Risks from Climate Change: Do Companies and Financial Organizations Have Sufficient Guidance?” Working Paper. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute.

Fransen, T., I. Sato, K. Levin, D. Waskow, D. Rich, S. Ndoko, and J. Teng. 2019. “Enhancing NDCs: A Guide to Strengthening National Climate Plans.” Report. Washington, D.C. and New York: World Resources Institute and United Nations Development Programme.

Pinchot, A., I. Sato, G. Christianson, and L. Zhou. 2019. “Unpacking Green Targets: A Framework for Interpreting Private Sector Banks’ Sustainable Finance Commitments.” Technical Note. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute.

Sato, I., and J.C. Altamirano. 2019. “Uncertainty, Scenario Analysis, and Long-Term Strategies: State of Play and a Way Forward.” Working Paper. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute.

Sato, I., P. Langer, and F. Stolle. 2019. “NDC Enhancement: Opportunities in the Forest and Land-Use Sector.” Working Paper. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute.




2022年3月-現在 気候変動枠組条約技術メカニズム 気候技術センター・ネットワーク(CTCN)諮問委員会委員
2015年9月-2016年3月 青山学院大学非常勤講師