jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構 jica 独立行政法人 国際協力機構


同志社大学大学院グローバル・スタディーズ研究科修了 博士(グローバル社会研究)
慶応義塾大学大学院文学研究科修了 修士(史学)
慶応義塾大学文学部卒業 学士(史学)


2023年4月 JICA緒方貞子平和開発研究所専任研究員
2020年7月 JICA緒方貞子平和開発研究所上席研究員
2016年4月 JICA研究所主任研究員
2012年2月 JICAシリア事務所兼ヨルダン事務所次長
2011年4月 JICA経済基盤開発部ジェンダー平等・貧困削減推進室副室長
2008年4月 JICA公共政策部ジェンダー平等推進課長



Ako Muto, “The Challenges and Effects of Externally Driven and Locally Driven Peacebuilding Approaches in a Complex Context: A Case Study of the Syrian Conflict,” in Cedric de Coning, Rui Saraiva and Ako Muto eds., Adaptive Peacebuilding: A New Approach to Sustaining Peace in the 21st Century, Cham; Palgrave Macmillan. 2023. pp. 179-206. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18219-8_7

Maryam Alkubati and Ako Muto, “An Exploration of the Dimensions of Exclusion Associated with Intimate Violence Among Syrian Refugees in Lebanon,” in Moosa A. Elayah and Laurent A. Lambert eds., Conflict and Post-Conflict Governance in the Middle East and Africa, Cham; Palgrave Macmillan. 2023. pp. 95-122. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-23383-8_5

Yoichi Mine and Ako Muto, " The Emerging Human Security Norm in East Asia: Toward an Epistemic Community,” in Gerd Oberleitner ed., Research Handbook on International Law and Human Security. Cheltenham; Northampton, MA; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2022, pp. 403-418. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800376977.00034

武藤亜子・杉谷幸太・竹内海人・大山伸明、「人間の安全保障研究の歩み—JICA緒方貞子平和開発研究所の取り組みを中心に—」、JICA緒方研究所レポート『今日の人間の安全保障』Vol.1、2022、pp. 22-43. ISSN 2437-010X

Ako Muto, "Exploring Mediation Efforts Amid Systemic and Domestic Constraints: The Case of the Syrian Conflict," in Cedric de Coning, Ako Muto, and Rui Saraiva eds., Adaptive Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Peace-making in Colombia, Mozambique, the Philippines, and Syria, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp.137-163.

Ako Muto and Rui Saraiva, "Assessing Context-Specific Peacebuilding Approaches in Contemporary Armed Conflicts: From High-Level Mediation to Middle-Out Linkage in Syria and from Adaptive Mediation to Nationally-Owned Peacebuilding in Mozambique," Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Vol.8, No.2, 2020, pp. 241-264, DOI: 10.18588/202011.00a128

Ako Muto, "Human Security Norms in East Asia: Towards Conceptual and Operational Innovation," Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security, Vol.8, No.1, 2020, pp.68-84. 

Ako Muto and Rui Saraiva, "Contextualizing the Sustaining Peace Approach in Contemporary Armed Conflicts: From High-Level International Mediation to Pragmatic Peacebuilding Initiatives in Syria," Journal of Human Security Studies: Special Issue, 2020-1, pp, 39-56, DOI: https://doi,org/10,34517/jahss,9,2_39

武藤亜子、「変動する人道と開発の間」、『国連研究』第20号、2019、pp. 193-213.

Yoichi Mine, Oscar A. Gómez and Ako Muto, “Human Security in East Asia: Assembling a Puzzle”, Chapter 1, in Yoichi Mine, Oscar A. Gómez and Ako Muto eds., Human Security Norms in East Asia, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 1-22.

Ako Muto and Yoichi Mine, “The Way Forward: The Power of Diversity”, Chapter 14, in ditto, pp.295-309.

Carolina G. Hernandez, Eun Mee Kim, Ren Xiao, Yoichi Mine and Ako Muto, “Conclusion: Ownership and Collaboration for Human Security in East Asia”, Chapter 13, in Carolina G. Hernandez, Eun Mee Kim, Ren Xiao, Yoichi Mine eds., Human Security and Cross-Border Cooperation in East Asia, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 271-287.

Ako Muto and Sachiko Ishikawa, “Japanese contributions to peacebuilding, development, and human security in Southeast Asia”, Chapter 4, in Brendan Howe ed., Regional Cooperation for Peace and Development: Japan and South Korea in Southeast Asia, Routledge, 2019, pp. 71-95.

武藤亜子、「紛争影響下におけるレジリエンス支援の意味と課題—シリア支援を事例に—」、『グローバル・スタディーズ』8号、2017、pp. 161-175.

Oscar A. Gómez, Ako Muto and Sachiko G. Kamidohzono, “Sharing the journey: the way ahead for human development and human security frameworks”, Background paper for Human Development Report 2016, United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report Office, 2016.



